Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where To Hook Up A Headlight On A Dirtbike

Planktos and the dangerous (but very profitable) ocean fertilization

translation of an excerpt from Dumping on Gaia
June 19, 2007 -

Planktos Inc.., A geoengineering company profit, whose offices are established in the USA and Canada , announced she would bury 100 tons of metal particles in the western Pacific Ocean near the Galapagos Islands, an act widely criticized because it is a violation of national laws and international ocean protection and it can cause serious damage to ecosystems in the ocean.
Planktos is selling "carbon credits" to individuals who want to "ease" their personal impact on climate change. The company says the metal particles will stimulate the growth of plankton-eating mostly carbon dioxide and allow him to do business on the carbon market.
(...) However, according to documents submitted by the U.S. government to the London Convention, Planktos has informed the EPA on 23/05/2010 that "the company will use a boat that will not be a U.S. citizen in order to bury the particles so as not to be subject to U.S. regulation United States'Ocean Dumping Act. "
" We are in hypocrisy with Planktos, which claims to be a business 'green', and now plans to 'outsource' their burial ship abroad to escape U.S. environmental monitoring, "said Jim Thomas of ETC Group, a civil society based in Canada that monitors the activities of Planktos. "It is clear that there is green that Planktos hopes to garner tickets by selling carbon credits."
"Planktos continues to declare that they will bury the metal nanoparticles and we know they are looking for a new flag for their ship, then we suggest a new shipping company bringing the flag to alert 'nano chance,' "said Hope Shand of ETC Group, which earlier this year sponsored a competition to design for the nano-hazard warning symbol labeling the Nanomaterial géoingénieurisé.



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