Monday, October 25, 2010

Rules Of Frustration! Game

can speculate about the rain.

An article in the October 15, 2010, on France24
By Sebastian Seibt

From 1 November, the Chicago Stock Exchange will allow to speculate about the rain. An original initiative is only the latest in the product catalog strange on which traders can wager.
traders will literally be able to make it rain dollars. From 31 October, the Chicago Stock Exchange will speculate on the rain . More precisely, it will be possible to bet on rising or falling precipitation in nine major cities in the U.S. (like New York, Chicago, Portland or Detroit).

This stock exchange - the second largest of the United States in respect of futures - justifies this surprising choice by the increased risks of climate variations. "Many industries, food to entertainment, depending on the weather," said Tim Andriesen, director of alternative investments at the Chicago .

contracts are based on forecasts of rain on some period at a given term. The more rainfall, the contract will sell more expensive. For their part, investors and speculators of all stripes can bet on a rise or fall weather, between the time the contract is issued, when he expires. If the contract is unusual, speculation, she remains the same as for any financial product.

The Chicago exchange is not his first attempt to weather. The rain will actually circle of its offer climate. Up Now it was already possible to speculate about hurricanes, snowfall and frost.

But the showers and other weather phenomena are not the only unusual popular products speculators. Trade routes, including the cost of transporting freight by ship, are already present for some time in some markets of the futures contract.

The ability to speculate on the success or failure of a film has even been the subject of an amendment to reform the U.S. financial system last June. The final text prohibits this kind of speculation, while the commission U.S. financial products had allowed a few weeks ago ...

Finally, the Chicago Stock Exchange, it is also possible to bet on monthly changes in unemployment in the U.S. ... A statistic particularly sensitive to these time of crisis, the financial modestly ranked as the "economic event".



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