Saturday, October 16, 2010

How Much Does Maxi Mounds Cost

Confronting the science-fiction climate solutions

Original article in English:
Translated into French by Lucinda The .

United Nations to deal with science fiction solutions to the climate meeting on biodiversity.
Civil Society calls for precaution.

While environment ministries from 193 countries are taking stock of the dramatic state of biodiversity in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya, Japan next week (18-29 October 2010) ETC Group warns of imminent danger represented by "technological fixes" that claim to have the keys to solving the climate crisis, and it should be frozen immediately.

The meeting, which is the highlight of the International Year of Biodiversity, will discuss a moratorium on the de facto release of synthetic life forms (a form of extreme genetic engineering marketing by the industries under the label "green economy") into the environment and the activities of geoengineering (handling massive and global systems of the planet). Existing international laws can not perform adequate controls for these controversial new technologies.

ETC Group is coming out three new reports and holds three alternative events in Nagoya on these TECHNOFIX to explain what interests they serve and the risks inherent in their development if we do not control.

1. synthetic biology: the scientific body of the CBD, which met earlier this year recommended a ban on the release of organisms into the environment ingénieurisés. Synthetic biology, genetic engineering or extreme threat the most fragile ecosystems by potentially accidental releases. Biodiversity is particularly threatened by the commercialization of such organizations led by transnational corporations seeking to commodify ¾ of the world's biomass is not yet under their control. The ETC report
The New Biomasters: Synthetic Biology and the Next Assault on Biodiversity and Livelihood will be available November 1, 2010; its findings will be discussed in an alternative event in Nagoya on 10.18.2010 (13:15 , Room 212A, Bldg 2, 1st floor). A version is already available on .

2. Geoengineering : The CBD's scientific body proposed earlier this year that States ensure that no engineering business climate is put in place until the risks and impacts are evaluated. If accepted, this proposal should halt experiments in the field of controversial projects that alter the planetary system, such as ocean fertilization, aerosols and stratospheric clouds bleaching. Three influential reports on geoengineering are expected in Washington in the next 3 weeks. The experiments of piracy climate are the subject of an opposition coalition led by nongovernmental organizations and associations on behalf of Home Campaign, among others. ( )
The report Geopiracy ETC: The Geoengineering Case Against , will be released on 18/10 / 2010, its findings will be discussed in an alternative event in Nagoya on 19/10/2010 (at 13:15, Room 234A, Bldg 2, 3rd floor). A version is already available on .

3. Patent undermining biodiversity. Under the guise of developing seeds "Adapted to the weather derivatives", hundreds of genomes have been developed patented in the last two years. Three companies - DuPont, BASF and Monsanto - to have the 2 / 3. The genetically ingénieurisées, "adapted to climatic factors targeted" are a false solution to climate change that will increase the dependence of GM seed producers, endanger biodiversity and threaten the primacy of food crops. The meeting of governments in Nagoya must stop the onslaught of the living by patents. The report
ETC Gene Giants Stockpile Patents on "Climate-Ready Crops in Bid to Become Biomassters will be available and discussed in an alternative event in Nagoya on 10.25.2010 (at 16:30, Room 236, Bldg 2, 3rd floor).

Contact information for ETC Group (NOTE DIFFERENT TIME ZONES)
At the CBD in Nagoya, Japan:

Pat Mooney: (Mobile +1-613-240-0045)
Silvia Ribeiro: (Mobile: + 52-1-55-2653-3330)
Neth Dano: (Mobile: + 63-917-532-9369)
In Auckland New Zealand
Cindy Baxter,,
In Montreal, Canada:
Diana Bronson: (Mobile: +1-514-629-9236)
In San Francisco, USA
Jeff Conant: (Mobile: +1 575 770 2829)

    + à propos d' ETCgroup :

A special issue of Pambazuka News (Issue # 499) , produced in collaboration with ETC Group , presents a range of articles discussing developments in new technologies and the alarming implications for the African continent and the global South at large. This collection outlines the sheer scale of this 'technological tsunami' and the immense challenges for Africa’s self-determination and for biodiversity. The articles expose the dangers of governments giving free rein to corporations to use new technologies to solve problems that at root require social and political solutions.

- New technologies and the threat to sovereignty in Africa - Firoze Manji and Molly Kane
- The big squeeze: Geopirating the remaining commons - Pat Mooney
- Big continent and tiny technology: Nanotechnology and Africa - Kathy Jo Wetter
- Biopiracy, the intellectual property regime and livelihoods in Africa - Oduor Ong’wen
- The new biomassters and their assault on livelihoods - Jim Thomas
- Synthetic biology in Africa: time to pay attention - Gareth Jones and Mariam Mayet
- Pulp fact or fiction? - Khadija Sharife
- Unclean development mechanism - Blessing Karumbidza
- Of InfraREDD and InfoREDD - Pat Mooney
- Eco-certification: Who watches the watchers? - Khadija Sharife
- Is seed recuperation possible? - Anne Maina
- Geoengineering the planet: What is at stake for Africa? - Diana Bronson
- Voices of resistance and hope from the World People’s Conference on Climate Change - Silvia Ribeiro
- Biotechnology and dispossessions in Kenya - Khadija Sharife
- Further reading on biofuels, land rights and land grabbing
- Hands Off Mother Earth: Support the international campaign
- A note about ETC Group - ETC Group


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