Saturday, October 16, 2010

Explain Thebusiness Agreement

Dictionary holiday


Flight: handy means of locomotion although laborious when there are two trips of 24 hours including a minus 18 months resented the inactivity required by the limited space (see also Disruption)

Friends: essential part of good holidays in France. We had the opportunity and the immense pleasure of seeing most of them, especially during a special weekend at the Eco-lodge near Nantes (see Barbechat)

Les copains

Bouin: second step of the journey and two days after Paris passes and as we were always magnificently received by Cyril, Bea.

Barbechat: point of gathering with friends for a great weekend al'Eco Logis near Nantes.

Bouffe: foie gras, oysters, veal head cheese, salami, wild boar stew, mussels, snails, delicious steaks, mushrooms, pies and gourmet coffees, etc. ... we got fun. Unfortunately it is seen (cf kilos)

Death by chocolate


Chablis last stage of our journey, and also the name of a beverage product alcoholise served in profusion in- said village (see also Wine) .

Chambord castle to visit our departure from Sologne. One word: beautiful.

Le petit prince

Center Parcs: 5 days in a VIP plate number, with the Burgundians, who had not come empty handed (see Food, Wine). Walks, bike rides and swimming in all kinds: a breath of fresh air.

Chestnuts: It was picked up about 5 pounds a Centre Parcs, spends two hours to peel and it was only 2 to love this ...

Mushrooms: was picking up and chanterelles coulmelles Center Parcs has reversed the castor in the pan and there was much less to love this ...

Chataigne party


Time Difference: invention very harmful (though practical) intended to disgust the parents of the trip. Side benefit: more crevasse back from vacation at the beginning.

Teeth: 4 canines more, or 12 teeth ... sausage farmer just has to behave.


Children: 17 brats in the cottage has reunited Barbechat for 22 adults. And everything went going well! And that's Chatas for Christmas 2003, none of us had children ... how much more the next meeting?

Me ye te dis que chi


Family: without it, the holidays would not be be ... a great pleasure to meet and spend quality time together (see Grand-parents).


Grandparents: best invention for kids after the nipples (because more transportable). Never tire of their grand-son, even at 5:30 in the morning ' are still willing to keep them and want more.


Hortensia (by Pouchoun): flowers often ugly, very popular in Britain qu'extremenent. If AC is still eating like cauliflower. Note, those Papoune Madoun and are very beautiful.

Hortensia (by Gochoun): flowers symbolizing Britain, the varied and delicate shades (and not requiring any hostile comments 300m.)

Couleurs de Bretagne Chez papy et mamie


Insult: "Fuck!"


Jealousy: In front of Papoune new camera (Canon EOS 550D). The rapidity and shooting quality pictures and video ... a killer!

Jump: The jump of hoplaboumesque Pouchoun Plouescat on the dunes.

Avec la langue, et tout


Kilos (over): result of excesses of all kinds. Y ' more than to lose it again if we want to be beautiful in bikini at Bondi Beach this summer.


Landivisiau: Place of Pilgrimage Leonard or any good we made full of good moments in the company of Bompoint and Morvan.


Mountains Arrée: theater a nice walk alongside Papoune .. enough to eliminate a few pounds made a few lines above

Circuit des monts d'Arree

Weather: clemente high for the first time since they returned to France (9 years).


Nostalgia: Tough return.


Marmoset: With the tarot card game privileged holidays.


Paris: the first stage of our epic, time to recover a little travel, see some friends in Paris (critters increasingly rare) and do some shopping.

Peloun Mobile: our means of locomotion for four weeks. Yeah!

Stroller lost: Arrives at Chambord, "Well, she is or stroller?". Central Park has forgotten, we somehow retrouvimes 6 hours later and then getting lost on the way back (see Romorantin) ... there are times like this.

Plouider: Instead of a romantic getaway at the hotel innopinee of the mound with gourmet dining room overlooking the sea while guarding Madoun Papoune and Martin.



What happens? : Long and keskiskouass of obsolete?


Romorantin: wrong direction. U-turn. One hour (longer) lost. Aarrgll!


Singapore: step or benefactress, al'aller, we spent one night between our two flights eumes and the joy of meeting Julie, Eric and their clique.

Nice niche


Disruption: frequent bouncing of the plane, mostly insignificant, necessitating the removal of a baby's cradle who just fall asleep after 30 minutes of effort. Argll ...

slide: the multiple and sometimes impressive waterslide at the pool with water slides Center Parcs in parks for children, it is also, to our surprise, the first word has three syllables enunciated clearly by Martin ... waiting I still have not managed to find the so-called super slide the new airport in Singapore!

Pas presse


Uniqlo: Premiere shopping spree at the new boutique Japan. What dethrone H & M?


Velo: transport from the privileged, even mandatory, to get around Center Parcs. You end up doing a lot of miles especially when we arrived the pool has realized you forgot your swimsuit and we must re-loop four kilometers to fetch him at the other end of the bungalow park. The bike is also a mountain bike ride of 25 kms around with Papoune Landivisiau Bodilis and who was right in my back two days.

Wine ah good french wine! If we do not retain, we would drink almost at every meal ... in fact it was not accepted. We also enjoy being Chablis to replenish our cellar in Chablis 1er Cru.


Whisky: Nothing like getting into the atmosphere of a small meal than a good single malt for the aperitif. Special mention to our expert Tony and his delicious vials.


cf. Plouider


Ysopet: medieval collection of fables


Weirdoes: Thank you all for your hospitality, your good mood and your company. Whether it's time for a "Chin" or more wide celebration, it's always a pleasure to share these little moments "Made in France".

The Huhus


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