Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

Advantages/disadvantages Of Water Cooling

DVD: What in the World Are They Spraying? The Chicago Stock Exchange

http://www. / whatspray.html

The Chemtrail / Geo-Engineering Coverup

Produced by G. Edward Griffin,
Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger

To date, there is not a person who has seen these bands intersecting white clouds that jets leave behind them, stretching from one horizon to another, until the sky turn into a dark haze. Our innate intelligence tells us that these are not mere vapor trails of jet engines, but no one has explored the questions: Who did it and WHY. With the release of this video, all that changed. Here is the story of a rapidly growing industry known as geoengineering, conducted by scientists, industries and governments to change the global climate, control time, and alter the chemical composition of soil and water - all of course for the good of humanity.
Although officials insist that these programs are still in discussion phase, evidence that they are en route from about 1990 abound - and their effects have been devastating to crops, wildlife and flora and human health.
We sprayed toxic substances without our consent, and to add insult to injury, they lie to us about it.
Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure. DVD. 95 minutes.
(Text of presentation reflected the rebellious )

What in the World Are They Spraying?
DV63C_will_ship_Oct_22 $ 19.50 order the DVD.


• In VO on youtube


• In OV subtitled com on dailymotion
(translation and subtitling hussardelamort )

Monday, October 25, 2010

Rules Of Frustration! Game

can speculate about the rain.

An article in the October 15, 2010, on France24
By Sebastian Seibt

From 1 November, the Chicago Stock Exchange will allow to speculate about the rain. An original initiative is only the latest in the product catalog strange on which traders can wager.
traders will literally be able to make it rain dollars. From 31 October, the Chicago Stock Exchange will speculate on the rain . More precisely, it will be possible to bet on rising or falling precipitation in nine major cities in the U.S. (like New York, Chicago, Portland or Detroit).

This stock exchange - the second largest of the United States in respect of futures - justifies this surprising choice by the increased risks of climate variations. "Many industries, food to entertainment, depending on the weather," said Tim Andriesen, director of alternative investments at the Chicago .

contracts are based on forecasts of rain on some period at a given term. The more rainfall, the contract will sell more expensive. For their part, investors and speculators of all stripes can bet on a rise or fall weather, between the time the contract is issued, when he expires. If the contract is unusual, speculation, she remains the same as for any financial product.

The Chicago exchange is not his first attempt to weather. The rain will actually circle of its offer climate. Up Now it was already possible to speculate about hurricanes, snowfall and frost.

But the showers and other weather phenomena are not the only unusual popular products speculators. Trade routes, including the cost of transporting freight by ship, are already present for some time in some markets of the futures contract.

The ability to speculate on the success or failure of a film has even been the subject of an amendment to reform the U.S. financial system last June. The final text prohibits this kind of speculation, while the commission U.S. financial products had allowed a few weeks ago ...

Finally, the Chicago Stock Exchange, it is also possible to bet on monthly changes in unemployment in the U.S. ... A statistic particularly sensitive to these time of crisis, the financial modestly ranked as the "economic event".


Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Fast Does A 4hp Outboard Go

Interview with Pat Mooney of ETC Group + "Geopiracy: The Case Against Geoengineering"

From the radio program "Down to Earth " of October 23, 2010.
Interview with Pat Mooney of ETC Group, about COP10 Nagoya on biodiversity and moratorium on geoengineering and synthetic biology .

Link: Entretien avec Pat Mooney d'ETC group

List about these topics, the latest report ETCgroup:

Where To Hook Up A Headlight On A Dirtbike

Planktos and the dangerous (but very profitable) ocean fertilization

translation of an excerpt from Dumping on Gaia
June 19, 2007 -

Planktos Inc.., A geoengineering company profit, whose offices are established in the USA and Canada , announced she would bury 100 tons of metal particles in the western Pacific Ocean near the Galapagos Islands, an act widely criticized because it is a violation of national laws and international ocean protection and it can cause serious damage to ecosystems in the ocean.
Planktos is selling "carbon credits" to individuals who want to "ease" their personal impact on climate change. The company says the metal particles will stimulate the growth of plankton-eating mostly carbon dioxide and allow him to do business on the carbon market.
(...) However, according to documents submitted by the U.S. government to the London Convention, Planktos has informed the EPA on 23/05/2010 that "the company will use a boat that will not be a U.S. citizen in order to bury the particles so as not to be subject to U.S. regulation United States'Ocean Dumping Act. "
" We are in hypocrisy with Planktos, which claims to be a business 'green', and now plans to 'outsource' their burial ship abroad to escape U.S. environmental monitoring, "said Jim Thomas of ETC Group, a civil society based in Canada that monitors the activities of Planktos. "It is clear that there is green that Planktos hopes to garner tickets by selling carbon credits."
"Planktos continues to declare that they will bury the metal nanoparticles and we know they are looking for a new flag for their ship, then we suggest a new shipping company bringing the flag to alert 'nano chance,' "said Hope Shand of ETC Group, which earlier this year sponsored a competition to design for the nano-hazard warning symbol labeling the Nanomaterial géoingénieurisé.


The Most Phrases With The Word Baby

ETCgroup Nagoya

In their final briefing before the Nagoya COP10 CBD, where they will present a moratorium on geoengineering (and other hazardous technologies) ETCgroup summarizes what geoengineering.

Briefing and recommendations for Delegates to Nagoya CBD COP10 in

We do not translate this briefing are as content is a summary of data presented in their 2009 report entitled Retooling the Planet: Climate Chaos in a Geoengineering Age .
A translation of this report " Réautomatiser the planet? " is already available on our pages.

For cons, the bottom of this briefing, two notes (annotating different passages of text) caught our attention. We will translate it here.

2 Note:
ETC Group does not define geoengineering exclusively through the prism of climate. Although real, the climate crisis is an excuse that arranges geoengineering. In another political context, geoengineering strategies could be applied to crises (such as water shortage or imbalance of nitrogen cycles). James Fleming noted the lack of logic to restrict the definition of a technology to its stated objectives. See James Rodger Fleming, Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control , New York: Columbia University Press, 2010, pp. 228-230.

3 Note:
See, for example, "Optimizing Reduction Climate Change, Carnegie Institution Department of Global Ecology, 2010, which relates to a study by Ken Caldeira and George Ban-Weiss, "how, if people decide what kind of atmosphere they wanted, they might be able to determine the aerosol distribution model that would correspond best for their climate targets;

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Explain Thebusiness Agreement

Dictionary holiday


Flight: handy means of locomotion although laborious when there are two trips of 24 hours including a minus 18 months resented the inactivity required by the limited space (see also Disruption)

Friends: essential part of good holidays in France. We had the opportunity and the immense pleasure of seeing most of them, especially during a special weekend at the Eco-lodge near Nantes (see Barbechat)

Les copains

Bouin: second step of the journey and two days after Paris passes and as we were always magnificently received by Cyril, Bea.

Barbechat: point of gathering with friends for a great weekend al'Eco Logis near Nantes.

Bouffe: foie gras, oysters, veal head cheese, salami, wild boar stew, mussels, snails, delicious steaks, mushrooms, pies and gourmet coffees, etc. ... we got fun. Unfortunately it is seen (cf kilos)

Death by chocolate


Chablis last stage of our journey, and also the name of a beverage product alcoholise served in profusion in- said village (see also Wine) .

Chambord castle to visit our departure from Sologne. One word: beautiful.

Le petit prince

Center Parcs: 5 days in a VIP plate number, with the Burgundians, who had not come empty handed (see Food, Wine). Walks, bike rides and swimming in all kinds: a breath of fresh air.

Chestnuts: It was picked up about 5 pounds a Centre Parcs, spends two hours to peel and it was only 2 to love this ...

Mushrooms: was picking up and chanterelles coulmelles Center Parcs has reversed the castor in the pan and there was much less to love this ...

Chataigne party


Time Difference: invention very harmful (though practical) intended to disgust the parents of the trip. Side benefit: more crevasse back from vacation at the beginning.

Teeth: 4 canines more, or 12 teeth ... sausage farmer just has to behave.


Children: 17 brats in the cottage has reunited Barbechat for 22 adults. And everything went going well! And that's Chatas for Christmas 2003, none of us had children ... how much more the next meeting?

Me ye te dis que chi


Family: without it, the holidays would not be be ... a great pleasure to meet and spend quality time together (see Grand-parents).


Grandparents: best invention for kids after the nipples (because more transportable). Never tire of their grand-son, even at 5:30 in the morning ' are still willing to keep them and want more.


Hortensia (by Pouchoun): flowers often ugly, very popular in Britain qu'extremenent. If AC is still eating like cauliflower. Note, those Papoune Madoun and are very beautiful.

Hortensia (by Gochoun): flowers symbolizing Britain, the varied and delicate shades (and not requiring any hostile comments 300m.)

Couleurs de Bretagne Chez papy et mamie


Insult: "Fuck!"


Jealousy: In front of Papoune new camera (Canon EOS 550D). The rapidity and shooting quality pictures and video ... a killer!

Jump: The jump of hoplaboumesque Pouchoun Plouescat on the dunes.

Avec la langue, et tout


Kilos (over): result of excesses of all kinds. Y ' more than to lose it again if we want to be beautiful in bikini at Bondi Beach this summer.


Landivisiau: Place of Pilgrimage Leonard or any good we made full of good moments in the company of Bompoint and Morvan.


Mountains Arrée: theater a nice walk alongside Papoune .. enough to eliminate a few pounds made a few lines above

Circuit des monts d'Arree

Weather: clemente high for the first time since they returned to France (9 years).


Nostalgia: Tough return.


Marmoset: With the tarot card game privileged holidays.


Paris: the first stage of our epic, time to recover a little travel, see some friends in Paris (critters increasingly rare) and do some shopping.

Peloun Mobile: our means of locomotion for four weeks. Yeah!

Stroller lost: Arrives at Chambord, "Well, she is or stroller?". Central Park has forgotten, we somehow retrouvimes 6 hours later and then getting lost on the way back (see Romorantin) ... there are times like this.

Plouider: Instead of a romantic getaway at the hotel innopinee of the mound with gourmet dining room overlooking the sea while guarding Madoun Papoune and Martin.



What happens? : Long and keskiskouass of obsolete?


Romorantin: wrong direction. U-turn. One hour (longer) lost. Aarrgll!


Singapore: step or benefactress, al'aller, we spent one night between our two flights eumes and the joy of meeting Julie, Eric and their clique.

Nice niche


Disruption: frequent bouncing of the plane, mostly insignificant, necessitating the removal of a baby's cradle who just fall asleep after 30 minutes of effort. Argll ...

slide: the multiple and sometimes impressive waterslide at the pool with water slides Center Parcs in parks for children, it is also, to our surprise, the first word has three syllables enunciated clearly by Martin ... waiting I still have not managed to find the so-called super slide the new airport in Singapore!

Pas presse


Uniqlo: Premiere shopping spree at the new boutique Japan. What dethrone H & M?


Velo: transport from the privileged, even mandatory, to get around Center Parcs. You end up doing a lot of miles especially when we arrived the pool has realized you forgot your swimsuit and we must re-loop four kilometers to fetch him at the other end of the bungalow park. The bike is also a mountain bike ride of 25 kms around with Papoune Landivisiau Bodilis and who was right in my back two days.

Wine ah good french wine! If we do not retain, we would drink almost at every meal ... in fact it was not accepted. We also enjoy being Chablis to replenish our cellar in Chablis 1er Cru.


Whisky: Nothing like getting into the atmosphere of a small meal than a good single malt for the aperitif. Special mention to our expert Tony and his delicious vials.


cf. Plouider


Ysopet: medieval collection of fables


Weirdoes: Thank you all for your hospitality, your good mood and your company. Whether it's time for a "Chin" or more wide celebration, it's always a pleasure to share these little moments "Made in France".

The Huhus

How Much Does Maxi Mounds Cost

Confronting the science-fiction climate solutions

Original article in English:
Translated into French by Lucinda The .

United Nations to deal with science fiction solutions to the climate meeting on biodiversity.
Civil Society calls for precaution.

While environment ministries from 193 countries are taking stock of the dramatic state of biodiversity in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya, Japan next week (18-29 October 2010) ETC Group warns of imminent danger represented by "technological fixes" that claim to have the keys to solving the climate crisis, and it should be frozen immediately.

The meeting, which is the highlight of the International Year of Biodiversity, will discuss a moratorium on the de facto release of synthetic life forms (a form of extreme genetic engineering marketing by the industries under the label "green economy") into the environment and the activities of geoengineering (handling massive and global systems of the planet). Existing international laws can not perform adequate controls for these controversial new technologies.

ETC Group is coming out three new reports and holds three alternative events in Nagoya on these TECHNOFIX to explain what interests they serve and the risks inherent in their development if we do not control.

1. synthetic biology: the scientific body of the CBD, which met earlier this year recommended a ban on the release of organisms into the environment ingénieurisés. Synthetic biology, genetic engineering or extreme threat the most fragile ecosystems by potentially accidental releases. Biodiversity is particularly threatened by the commercialization of such organizations led by transnational corporations seeking to commodify ¾ of the world's biomass is not yet under their control. The ETC report
The New Biomasters: Synthetic Biology and the Next Assault on Biodiversity and Livelihood will be available November 1, 2010; its findings will be discussed in an alternative event in Nagoya on 10.18.2010 (13:15 , Room 212A, Bldg 2, 1st floor). A version is already available on .

2. Geoengineering : The CBD's scientific body proposed earlier this year that States ensure that no engineering business climate is put in place until the risks and impacts are evaluated. If accepted, this proposal should halt experiments in the field of controversial projects that alter the planetary system, such as ocean fertilization, aerosols and stratospheric clouds bleaching. Three influential reports on geoengineering are expected in Washington in the next 3 weeks. The experiments of piracy climate are the subject of an opposition coalition led by nongovernmental organizations and associations on behalf of Home Campaign, among others. ( )
The report Geopiracy ETC: The Geoengineering Case Against , will be released on 18/10 / 2010, its findings will be discussed in an alternative event in Nagoya on 19/10/2010 (at 13:15, Room 234A, Bldg 2, 3rd floor). A version is already available on .

3. Patent undermining biodiversity. Under the guise of developing seeds "Adapted to the weather derivatives", hundreds of genomes have been developed patented in the last two years. Three companies - DuPont, BASF and Monsanto - to have the 2 / 3. The genetically ingénieurisées, "adapted to climatic factors targeted" are a false solution to climate change that will increase the dependence of GM seed producers, endanger biodiversity and threaten the primacy of food crops. The meeting of governments in Nagoya must stop the onslaught of the living by patents. The report
ETC Gene Giants Stockpile Patents on "Climate-Ready Crops in Bid to Become Biomassters will be available and discussed in an alternative event in Nagoya on 10.25.2010 (at 16:30, Room 236, Bldg 2, 3rd floor).

Contact information for ETC Group (NOTE DIFFERENT TIME ZONES)
At the CBD in Nagoya, Japan:

Pat Mooney: (Mobile +1-613-240-0045)
Silvia Ribeiro: (Mobile: + 52-1-55-2653-3330)
Neth Dano: (Mobile: + 63-917-532-9369)
In Auckland New Zealand
Cindy Baxter,,
In Montreal, Canada:
Diana Bronson: (Mobile: +1-514-629-9236)
In San Francisco, USA
Jeff Conant: (Mobile: +1 575 770 2829)

    + à propos d' ETCgroup :

A special issue of Pambazuka News (Issue # 499) , produced in collaboration with ETC Group , presents a range of articles discussing developments in new technologies and the alarming implications for the African continent and the global South at large. This collection outlines the sheer scale of this 'technological tsunami' and the immense challenges for Africa’s self-determination and for biodiversity. The articles expose the dangers of governments giving free rein to corporations to use new technologies to solve problems that at root require social and political solutions.

- New technologies and the threat to sovereignty in Africa - Firoze Manji and Molly Kane
- The big squeeze: Geopirating the remaining commons - Pat Mooney
- Big continent and tiny technology: Nanotechnology and Africa - Kathy Jo Wetter
- Biopiracy, the intellectual property regime and livelihoods in Africa - Oduor Ong’wen
- The new biomassters and their assault on livelihoods - Jim Thomas
- Synthetic biology in Africa: time to pay attention - Gareth Jones and Mariam Mayet
- Pulp fact or fiction? - Khadija Sharife
- Unclean development mechanism - Blessing Karumbidza
- Of InfraREDD and InfoREDD - Pat Mooney
- Eco-certification: Who watches the watchers? - Khadija Sharife
- Is seed recuperation possible? - Anne Maina
- Geoengineering the planet: What is at stake for Africa? - Diana Bronson
- Voices of resistance and hope from the World People’s Conference on Climate Change - Silvia Ribeiro
- Biotechnology and dispossessions in Kenya - Khadija Sharife
- Further reading on biofuels, land rights and land grabbing
- Hands Off Mother Earth: Support the international campaign
- A note about ETC Group - ETC Group

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Customize A Bmx Bike Online

gag gag Captain Vertigo # 3!

C aptain Vertigo gag # 3! Drawing by Stephen Dizier colors Cedric Humbert, Olivier scenario Paillé !

To see the strip to the right size, click on the image when opened in the new page!

What Does Red License Plate In Ontario Mean?

Nexus 70: chemtrails, cloud or land?

This article is excerpted from NEXUS magazine No. 70.
It was compiled and written by Priska Ducœurjoly ,
who is also the author of toxic The company, in Respublica (2010) Article

kept here for archive because the author refers to our translation of the report 'ETCgroup on geoengineering (cf. "Réautomatiser the planet" ).

chemtrails, cloud or land? - Nexus number 70

Monday, October 11, 2010

Combinations In A 4 Number Lock

Geoengineering: the soup is served to plan B

The English (and Americans) are great ambassadors for pro-geoengineering few years.
The recipe is simple: after raising sauce, they are ready to legislate and enrichment on the establishment of Plan B, all seasoned with double talk (or how regulate the use possible technologies that are, in fact, already widely used.)

Today the soup (article below) is served by "the largest international technology monitoring service from Network World Scientific Services Embassies of France" : -newsletters , service ADIT (which officially "to help anticipate changes to better prepare

...") In fact, this newsletter has just aim to give a green light to the normalization implicit and generalization of geoengineering, but only for those who cares to look at the show ...

BE United Kingdom 105 - 14/09/2010

Geo-engineering: a regulatory framework s proves indispensable

The term geo-engineering (GeoEngineering) denotes the set of techniques specifically designed to change the climate on a global scale in order to counter climate change resulting from human activities. The United Kingdom, which is committed to drastically reducing its emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 to try to curb global warming, consider geoengineering as a "Plan B" intended to supplement the ongoing programs (development of wind energy, energy distribution networks intelligent, ...) where the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases is not enough to stem the higher temperatures. That is why the Science and Techology Select Committee (Parliamentary Committee on Science and Technology) with members of the House of Commons issued a report last March from joint work with its U.S. counterpart, U.S. House of Representatives Science and Technology Committee (Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives of the United States) on the issue of regulation and control of geo-engineering.

techniques of manipulating the climate are numerous and varied (see Science & Technology in the United Kingdom from November to December 2009, p18). These are commonly grouped into two broad categories according to whether they intended to remove carbon dioxide from the air to mitigate the greenhouse effect (CDR Carbon Dioxide Removal ) or they manipulate light radiation from Sun to increase the amount of energy reflected by the Earth and its atmosphere and thus lower the temperature (SRM Solar Radiation Management ). As a prelude to its study, the committee has not found it unnecessary to dwell on the exact definition that was appropriate to give the term geo-engineering and the area it covers. For example, insisting the global dimension of climate changes induced by the geo-technical engineering, members exclude its cloud seeding (already used in many countries, particularly heavily in China). Indeed, it does not give rise to changes in climate as a space and a limited period.

Most of the work of British and American parliamentary committees involved in thinking about regulation which will guide the geo-engineering from the research stage to a possible deployment. Members based without the need for delay such legislation on three main reasons:
- techniques for geo-engineering potential to give a country the ability to unilaterally change the climate;
- tests are already underway on certain techniques of geo- engineering;
- investing in research now, and within a clear regulatory framework is essential to the geo-engineering a credible alternative if the need arose.

Once installed the need for regulation, the committee sought to determine the criteria on which it could build. Indeed, the variety of techniques as part of geo-engineering (but especially the diversity of their consequences), it seems neither appropriate nor possible to formulate a single set of rules that would apply to all. Accordingly, the committee proposes to classify them according to various factors listed below in order to assess the nature of controls appropriate to each:
- the effects that different techniques may be beyond the borders of the country that implements ;
- the dispersal of potentially hazardous elements in the environment;
- the direct consequences ecosystems.

Thus, members of the House of Commons argue that regulation and supervision of graduate research and development in geo-engineering are essential. From there, it remains part of the problem would be best suited to implement and enforce these regulations, and the basic principles they used to guarantee. Given the transnational nature of the potential negative effects of geoengineering regulations that seek to ban, it is clear that they are intended to be defined at a level International. If members recall the United Nations Organization as responsible, ultimately, this control, they also emphasize the important role that national governments, and that of the United Kingdom in particular, have to play in bringing the issue geo-engineering agenda of international discussions and initiate the regulatory process. As for the basic principles of future international instruments, the Committee expresses in five points:
- geo-engineering and research and development partners must be framed in the public interest (but not ban private investment, quite the contrary);
- the participation of public bodies, whether national or international in decision making related to the geo-engineering is necessary;
- research in this area and its results should be fully rendered to facilitate public understanding of the risks of geo-engineering and be able to reassure the people;
- the potential impact of geo-engineering projects should be evaluated by independent working groups of those who produce research and which are organized at the appropriate level (regional, national or international) depending on the extent hazards caused;
- Deployment of devices using techniques of geo-engineering should not be done before the establishment of a robust governance on the subject and binding rules. The report of

Science and Technology Select Committee sets the scene in which the work must register control to be performed at the Government of the United Kingdom and internationally to prevent uncontrolled development and dangerous geo-engineering. But it also reflects an innovation in diplomacy: working together with a committee of the same type United States. This cooperation took place outside of predefined protocols (which currently exist for joint work between members of the House of Commons , House of Commons, and others of the National Assembly for Wales, National Assembly for Wales), and without the two parliamentary committees do not sit together. It relied on information sharing during frequent contacts between elected officials on both sides of the Atlantic. After this experience, the Committee on Science and Technology concludes that the global nature of the challenges in science and technology renew calls for such collaborations with other governments. He even suggests that, where appropriate, a committee member partner attend as observers the sessions of the Select Committee via a video link for example.

Geo-engineering is a subject on which the British government, if it follows the recommendations of the Science and Technology Select Committee the previous Parliament, should be addressed in the near future. It seems appropriate that this group of MPs urged his government to act now, before having to cope with irreversible changes in climate.

- House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee, 5th Report of the parliamentary session 2009-2010, 18 / 03/2010 -
- Newsletter, 21/01/2010, Geo-engineering: Science, Governance and uncertainty - / actualites/61972.htm
Joel Constant
Origin: BE UK number 105 (09/14/2010) - The Embassy of France in the United Kingdom / ADIT - http: / /

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Purchase Jacapri Rose


Update! C aptain Vertigo gag # 2! Drawing by Stephen Dizier colors Cedric Humbert Olivier scenario Paillé !

Friday, October 1, 2010

Could A Hard Lump In My Nose Be Cancer

Captain Captain Vertigo Vertigo! Nael

C aptain Vertigo! Drawing by Stephen Dizier colors Cedric Humbert, Olivier scenario Paillé !

To see the strip to the right size, click on the image when opened in the new page!