Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thank For Interview Email Subject


Twice a year, all our neighbors are throwing away their mess bric-a-brac that the common collection management: the dumpster.

Among Ikea lamps broken into two pieces fridges and dishwashers odd Aunt foo, Gochoun saw a bargain, under the gaze of septic Pouch: two chairs in good condition but looks a bit retro, a hairdresser and nickel chromium will also require little facelift.

Nouvelles chaises
The 2 chairs corner

Coin couture
My new sewing room, hehehe!

It requires a good few months of procrastination ( no comment), a little elbow grease to sanding (Pouch thank you!), A layer of apret (bonus Français ) and 2 layers of paint applied by roller and brush.

Bureau revampe

Admire me those handles! It deserved the 25 hours spent on the Internet has the look, right? NO? ok ... All drawers are covered with different paper, and my favorite is the middle one with the map of Paris.

In the end, we are quite happy but we learned 2 / 3 stuff we will not do next time:
  • Do not paint inside the drawers because they close after this difficult
  • not bother to sand as flaws until the wood is completely bare
  • When you do it, it goes fast in fact!
And since my sewing machine has found her soul-sister, she is constantly whirring of happiness. And if you are looking after me that Martin is film, you know where to find me ...



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