Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Knights Templar Of Jerusalem Woolf Institute


It rejuvenates us not, our little baby just celebrated her twenties ...


"Come, come" he said reaching out to us. His first words are learned chmilblic french and English, with "daddy / daddy" and sometimes "mommy / mama" (but rarely).

He spends hours reading, and the darling of the moment is "Zephyr on vacation." He is very particular about his choice of reading, and he sometimes offers the entire stack before he nodded and you hear a little "ho".

La vie d'une fraise

Martin also grows strawberries on the balcony (it's also on the list of things to do before 30 years of his Auntie Dej). And even though it's hard not to tear the flowers and crush strawberries in her chubby little fingers, it is always ready to sprinkle generously (and balcony).

Comme tatie

Despite all these efforts, strawberries, he loves not ca ... he much prefers the chocolate, which is far more effective to make large cans like this:




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