Sunday, November 7, 2010

Can I Use Yankee Candle Wax With Scentsy

Geoengineering: After Nagoya seen from the embassy ...

Image Caption: Haa rogues! They still prefer to represent boats that do not exist rather than planes, we see very well, them!

In the series "the abominable newsletters " , here is the American point of view echoed by the Embassy of France after the moratorium Nagoya ...
ulcerating predictability !

BE U.S. 225, 5/11/2010
Energy and Environment

Climate: Geoengineering is no longer a concept stratospheric


Just hours after a resolution prohibiting attempts geo-engineering has been adopted at the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya The outgoing President of the Commission for Science and Technology of the House of Representatives, Bart Gordon, October 29 unveiled a report calling for further research on this controversial topic.

Climate engineering, often called "geo-engineering" is to deliberately altering climate to counter or at least mitigate anthropogenic climate change. It usually includes techniques of geo-engineering into 2 broad categories: removal of atmospheric carbon ("fertilizing" the oceans, increase in tree cover, etc..) And solar radiation management (dispersion of aerosols in the upper atmosphere, Positioning of reflecting mirrors orbit, etc.).. This second category is one that raises the most ethical, political, and thus governance.

The topic was the subject of intense debate, both within the climate community as to the parliamentary assemblies, where any mention of climate change raises outcry. While recognizing the enormous challenges and risks of such research, and reiterating the absolute necessity of keeping all possible resources and attention on efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, President Gordon reaffirms that the United States, and the world can do without a search that would respond to environmental emergencies (unforeseen effects thresholds, major climatic changes, etc.).. The main argument is that if other efforts (mitigation, adaptation, etc..) Fail, it is unreasonable not to have explored all other options because it will be too late.

The report of the Committee on Science and Technology encourages the development of a research program in the United States, presumably hosted by the Department of Energy, with strong public involvement and intense international collaboration. This report lists the many agencies including some of the work and / or missions relate to the geo-engineering, while stressing that today, research on geo-engineering itself remains elusive as the definition is broad and unclear. In any case, research that would be closer cooperation with, or implications for the geo-engineering reached a maximum of $ 100 million, against nearly $ 2 billion requested in the 2010 budget for all research related to climate and Earth Sciences. The often quoted figure is also lower than $ 10 million for research into geo-engineering itself.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), an independent body of government has also delivered last month, a report recommending that policy-makers - whatever their decision regarding the continuation of a national research agenda - do not overlook the understanding of the issues of geo-engineering because they will inevitably face internationally. GAO recommended in conclusion that the White House established in consultation with federal agencies approach a "clear and coordinated" research geo-engineering as part of the federal strategy to fight against climate change climate.

Politically, research on geo-engineering is unique: despite the fears of some environmentalists (because of the risk of complacency on the fading), the latter are more likely to concede that it is not possible to exclude the third track, additional mitigation and adaptation. At the other end of the spectrum, some conservatives, including some climate skeptics, are proponents of geoengineering, due to its low cost (compared to the costs involved in mitigation and adaptation).

Paradoxically, this technology still in its infancy, whose governance is virtually non-existent and whose risk of irreversibility are high, is one of the few in the field of climate science that a minimum consensus seems to be attainable. The funding of scientific research and the quest for governance rules in geo-engineering could survive the upheaval of the political spectrum of November 2, while it probably seal the fate of any other advanced in legislation " climate. "

For more information, contact:
- "The Geoengineering Option : A last resort against global warming ?" - Foreign Affairs - Mars/Avril 2009 :
- Rapports du Government Accountability Office :
* "A Coordinated Strategy Could Focus Federal Geoengineering Research and Inform Governance Efforts" - Sept. 2010:
* "Preliminary Observations on Geoengineering Science, Federal Efforts, and Governance Issues" - 18/03/2010:
- "Géo-ingénierie: Science, Governance and uncertainty "- BE UK # 101:

- Climate: House S & T Chairman Urges U.S. to prepare GeoEngineering program "- the Greenwire 01/10/2010 (subscription): 01 / 3 /
- "House S & T chairman from climate engineering report" - Federal Technology Watch (subscription) of 01.11.2010, p.1.
- "Geoengineering: A Bad Idea Whose Time Has Come "- National Public Radio - ( on 29/05/2010:

Marc Magaud, clip envt.mst @

BE U.S. number 225 (05/11/2010) - Ambassade de France USA / ADIT -

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