Friday, September 24, 2010

White Spots On Potato Ok To Eat

Article ACSEIPICA unearthed on yahoo group .

Institute of Science in Society , Julian Rose, September 20, 2010
An anonymous report confirms that manipulation experiments of weather and climate have been made by the Zunie and its allies in recent decades.

Chemical Trails (chemtrails ) unveiled

Many suspicions have been raised over the last ten years by the unusual cloud formations and abnormal wake of the jet in the upper atmosphere [*]. I have personally witnessed hundreds of days of engineering trains and cloud jets, both in the United Kingdom and Poland. However, it proved to be extremely difficult to get information from official sources on the phenomenon. On interrogation, the normal response is: "it happens nothing abnormal. "
[* Translator's note: The nature of this abnormal phenomenon is apparent that it is basically only since the late 90's that you can see the sky disfigured by chemtrails persistent, without the air density has changed significantly.]

It turns out that it is very far from reality. Although much of this article focuses on one recent case professional research on this topic, hundreds of documents at once formal and explore and expose the actions loufdingues civil aviation and military charged daily for nearly a decade of spraying layer after layer of toxic substances in the form of aerosol chemical trails in the sky above our heads.

spreading episodes are not reported by the media and governments are silent. This collusion, whether intentional or not, we kept in the dark about a lot of experience in geo-engineering has the effect of serving our health and disrupt seriously the natural environment. And without the Internet, we would have known.

The Belgian Group based in Belfast was attended by more than seven years of research and investigation of the facts and activities that have become widely known as " chemtrails. "On May 29, 2010, the golds of an international symposium at the Delft University of Technology in Ghent , Belfort Group asked Dr. Coen Vermeeren, senior engineer in aeronautics , to speak on question. Vermeeren made its presentation on a scientific report of 300 pages titled [1] " Orange Box: Contrail Science, Its Impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted By The United States and Its Allies " (Case Orange : Science of condensation trails, impact on climate and weather manipulation programs conducted by the Zunie and its allies). According Vermeeren, the authors of the report are "a group of scientists or insiders who chose to remain anonymous."

In his presentation, Dr. Vemeeren frankly acknowledges the existence of persistent contrails. "He said

" We also know that chemtrails exist because we are spraying for crops, for example, and we know they are made for military purposes. The chemtrails are not new. We know. "

From handling weather geoengineering

The Case report Orange reveals the existence of documents available to the public, indicating that various forms of geo-engineering have been going "at least 60 years." Early examples include "operations United Kingdom of cloud seeding over Germany during World War II and attempted to flush the Zunie the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. However, it is pale compared to the magnitude of current activities.

Controversy potentially adverse effects on the environment and human health of such conduct that led to the banning of weapons of environmental modification (Mod In ) under the auspices of " Nations Convention United Technologies ban environmental modification for military purposes or for any other purpose hostile "in 1987. It is not clear whether the ban was fully implemented yet. However, interest in the Mod In quickly gained prominence when the alarm of global warming and environmental issues Associated insistent attracted worldwide scientific interest [2]. The report

Orange Box cites a number of patents zuniens concerning the invention of a "device-specific generation of drag, for producing wildfire with a diffusion capacity of maximum radiation for a given weight of material. To produce a stable trail with a latency period of up to one to two weeks, "the substance dispersed consists of 85 percent of metal particles and 15 percent colloidal silica and silica gel.

Then, in 2009, the publication of a report entitled "Changing of cirrus clouds to reduce global warming," has completed its business strategies geo-engineering [3]. All this was said with intent to create a reflective layer of clouds, able to divert sunlight to prevent the undesirable warming of the Earth's climate. The report indicates that IPCC findings support the proposal outlined in Patent 1991 Hughes Aircraft on the stratospheric seeding to reduce global warming. This patent was later purchased by Raytheon, the private contractor defense government zunien. It's the same company that won the contract to build HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program ) in Gakona, Alaska.

The military-industrial complex for complete control of the weather against global warming

HAARP is a large network of 180 branches projecting powerful electromagnetic pulses in order to heat a particular point in the ionosphere. This has the effect of creating electromagnetic frequencies that can be reflected in desired locations on Earth, causing serious disruption to weather and geophysical environments, even deep underground [4, 5]. HAARP can deliver up to 3.6 billion watts, raise the temperature of the ionosphere to over 50,000 degrees and "raise an area of 30 square kilometers in the ionosphere, and alter this way pressure systems located or even change the path of the jet stream. "
[Translator's note: Could this explain the blocking the jet-stream at the origin of the strange weather in Russia and Pakistan this summer?]

The Orange Box report cites evidence that Raytheon could develop an ability to "exercise a form of complete control of the weather , "a situation with a marked resemblance to the promises made Monsanto "to control the food chain." It should be noted that there are currently more than 500 patents of genetically modified " climate ready" (adapted to the climate) waiting for licensing approval in Washington and Brussels. According to their creators, seeds and genetically modified plants "climate ready " promise to be able to produce a crop both in terms of flooding and drought.

The "ETC Group" , of human rights and environmental monitoring, describes the evolution of the atmospheric geoengineering: "The deployment of the" Plan B "(a reference to the use of geo-engineering, if other measures to reduce emissions should be deemed ineffective) is skillfully executed: eminent committees sponsored by groups of prestige, an avalanche of articles evaluated by peers in scientific journals and in the Nordic countries, Politicians aligned panicked, shaking his head nervously to acquiesce while scientists attest to the "need to find Plan B."

Rady Ananda says at the end of his paper [6]: "With details such as spraying schedules of the Government, orders of chemicals, the exact nomenclature used in the operations manuals of air services and calls economists in favor of geoengineering, Orange Box consistent report published in 1996 by senior military personnel Zunie, entitled "Weather as a force multiplier: Master the Weather in 2025" [7] to support his notion of "strong government involvement in highest level in projects of climate control. "Ananda continues [6]:" Controlling the Weather in 2025 provides a precise timetable for the use of technical In Mod in cooperation with the Association of Change weather, a group dealing with the government that promotes the benefits of use of environmental changes [8]:

2000-2025, use of chemicals in the air seeding done by civil aviation ( and military)

2004, thanks to nanotechnology, creation of intelligent clouds with an exponential increase, from 2010

, 2005, introduction of black dust carbon. "

UN engaged in the fight against geoengineering the climate

In 2007, the World Meteorological Organization (s UN) issued a statement including "Guidelines for planning activities to change the weather." This document clearly implies the United Nations in the conduct of project activities of aerosols at a large scale. In

part of the report Orange Box on "the bare necessities of geo-engineering through the creation of clouds for the survival of the planet," the authors declare: "Our investigation team concludes that programs to control climate, controlled by the military, but approved by governments, are discretely implemented to avoid the worst scenario they want to avoid. The two basic instruments are the temperature control, through the creation of artificial clouds, and manipulation of the ionosphere, with heaters.

"Both systems are essentially military fighting with the option to launch an offensive if necessary. However, since several ionospheric heating systems are installed in various locations around the globe, we can assume that there is broad cooperation among governments to achieve the climate in 2025: the weather control and the planet. "

The spray systems seem organized in logical combination for the whole of Europe is covered in a period of three days. Colorful maps of Europe show when each operation should be performed.

In the section entitled "Recommendations" report, the authors state: "The persistent chemtrails have a devastating impact on ecosystems planet and the quality of life in general. "The authors call full disclosure to the public's current activities in Mod, and respect for all civil aviation regulations.

Moratorium on the activities of geoengineering

encouraging data, in response to interest policy towards geo-engineering as a means of climate control, sub-committee of the UN Convention on Biodiversity in May 2010 proposed a moratorium on the activities of geo-engineering [9]. This proposal will be heard at the tenth Conference of Parties to the UN Convention for Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan, in October this year (2010).

The Orange Box report further indicates that the Zunie to test outdoor chemical and biological weapons. This overrides the civil law mentioned earlier in this article. The authors paraphrase and permissive law, "Minister of Defense may conduct tests and experiments involving the use of chemical and biological agents on civilian populations." He appears that concerns of "national security" may serve the president to reject the environmental considerations and public health. Is this the same thing in Europe?

I provided an overview of the main testimony arising from the report Orange Box. It makes a significant contribution to open the secret agendas that would otherwise have no place in a democracy self-reported. Among other reports consistent, there's an important paper by Dr. Ilya Perlingieri, entitled "Effect of aerosols of metals and chemicals on human health" [10]. Ms. Perlingieri said: "Over the last decade, independent testing on chemtrails across the country have shown a very dangerous toxic brew containing barium, aluminum nanoparticles coated fiberglass (known as CHAFF name) of radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, dried blood, mold spores, mycotoxins of fungi yellow, ethylene dibromide and polymer fibers. Its toxicity barium can be compared to arsenic [11], and it is known to affect the heart. Aluminum has the reputation damage to brain function. "I do not need to add that ethylene dibromide is a highly toxic agricultural pesticide.

Now we share this information, we must act accordingly. It is vital to support the moratorium to be presented in October in Japan. Write to your MP to say that these global operations are not nonsense "theories conspiracy, "and they take place without public consultation and without any effort to warn of their potential impact.

References 1. Speech by Dr. Coen Vermeeren symposium at Delft University of Technology, May 29, 2010,

2. "The top scientific body calls the''Plan B''geo-engineering," Catherine Brahic: New Scientist, 1/9/2009,

3. Mitchell DL and W. Finnegan "Changing the cirrus to reduce global warming." Environmental Research Letters, October 30, 2009,

4 . "About HAARP Belitsos in an article," Radical Wisdom, July 14, 2010, /

5. To learn more about HAARP, see "Controlling Weather World, "by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research,

6. "Geo-engineering atmospheric weather manipulation, chemtrails and contrails," Rady Ananda of, July 30, 2010,

7. Colonel Tamzy J. House, and others, "Weather as a force multiplier: Master the Weather in 2025, "Department of Defense, Air Force zunienne, 17/06/1996. Released publicly in August 1996. Reproduced in the Federation of Scientific zuniens:

8. Website Weather Modification :

9. Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, "Comprehensive review of work on biodiversity and climate change climate, "the draft recommendations, the Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP/CBD/SBTTA/l.9, 15/05/2010.

10. "Consequences of metals and aerosols of toxic chemicals on human health," Ilya Perlingieri, May 12, 2010,

11. See Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)

Translation copyleft Pétrus Lombard


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