Monday, September 20, 2010

Chesty Cough 8 Month Old

Atmospheric Geoengineering Case Orange French summary.

acseipica unearthed on yahoo group.

Orange Box is the name of a report scientist, developed by a team of aeronautical engineers Dutch and Belgian , who felt it was time to publicly unveil the real facts about these contrails of aircraft known as "chemtrails".

The identity of authors is not revealed, but all data can be controlled via the references in footnotes and all statements are supported by detailed schedules.

This report essentially shows without contradiction is possible that spraying actually made around the world for many years and put into action by the United States.

Orange Box was presented at the International Symposium in Ghent, organized by the Belfort Group May 29, 2010. You can listen to the speakers on the following site:
http: / / / channel / belfast-test

The document includes a basic text of 70 p. and 230 p. appendices.
It can be downloaded at the following site:

Below is a summary in French text base.

orange box - French summary


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