Saturday, September 25, 2010

How Does Yor Discharge Look Before Your Period

The Dana was great for our project by NAELI Laureleen ! Enjoy! Do not forget to visit his blog:

Update post with page # 1 of our project colorized by Simon Sternis!

you soon!

Friday, September 24, 2010

White Spots On Potato Ok To Eat

Article ACSEIPICA unearthed on yahoo group .

Institute of Science in Society , Julian Rose, September 20, 2010
An anonymous report confirms that manipulation experiments of weather and climate have been made by the Zunie and its allies in recent decades.

Chemical Trails (chemtrails ) unveiled

Many suspicions have been raised over the last ten years by the unusual cloud formations and abnormal wake of the jet in the upper atmosphere [*]. I have personally witnessed hundreds of days of engineering trains and cloud jets, both in the United Kingdom and Poland. However, it proved to be extremely difficult to get information from official sources on the phenomenon. On interrogation, the normal response is: "it happens nothing abnormal. "
[* Translator's note: The nature of this abnormal phenomenon is apparent that it is basically only since the late 90's that you can see the sky disfigured by chemtrails persistent, without the air density has changed significantly.]

It turns out that it is very far from reality. Although much of this article focuses on one recent case professional research on this topic, hundreds of documents at once formal and explore and expose the actions loufdingues civil aviation and military charged daily for nearly a decade of spraying layer after layer of toxic substances in the form of aerosol chemical trails in the sky above our heads.

spreading episodes are not reported by the media and governments are silent. This collusion, whether intentional or not, we kept in the dark about a lot of experience in geo-engineering has the effect of serving our health and disrupt seriously the natural environment. And without the Internet, we would have known.

The Belgian Group based in Belfast was attended by more than seven years of research and investigation of the facts and activities that have become widely known as " chemtrails. "On May 29, 2010, the golds of an international symposium at the Delft University of Technology in Ghent , Belfort Group asked Dr. Coen Vermeeren, senior engineer in aeronautics , to speak on question. Vermeeren made its presentation on a scientific report of 300 pages titled [1] " Orange Box: Contrail Science, Its Impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted By The United States and Its Allies " (Case Orange : Science of condensation trails, impact on climate and weather manipulation programs conducted by the Zunie and its allies). According Vermeeren, the authors of the report are "a group of scientists or insiders who chose to remain anonymous."

In his presentation, Dr. Vemeeren frankly acknowledges the existence of persistent contrails. "He said

" We also know that chemtrails exist because we are spraying for crops, for example, and we know they are made for military purposes. The chemtrails are not new. We know. "

From handling weather geoengineering

The Case report Orange reveals the existence of documents available to the public, indicating that various forms of geo-engineering have been going "at least 60 years." Early examples include "operations United Kingdom of cloud seeding over Germany during World War II and attempted to flush the Zunie the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. However, it is pale compared to the magnitude of current activities.

Controversy potentially adverse effects on the environment and human health of such conduct that led to the banning of weapons of environmental modification (Mod In ) under the auspices of " Nations Convention United Technologies ban environmental modification for military purposes or for any other purpose hostile "in 1987. It is not clear whether the ban was fully implemented yet. However, interest in the Mod In quickly gained prominence when the alarm of global warming and environmental issues Associated insistent attracted worldwide scientific interest [2]. The report

Orange Box cites a number of patents zuniens concerning the invention of a "device-specific generation of drag, for producing wildfire with a diffusion capacity of maximum radiation for a given weight of material. To produce a stable trail with a latency period of up to one to two weeks, "the substance dispersed consists of 85 percent of metal particles and 15 percent colloidal silica and silica gel.

Then, in 2009, the publication of a report entitled "Changing of cirrus clouds to reduce global warming," has completed its business strategies geo-engineering [3]. All this was said with intent to create a reflective layer of clouds, able to divert sunlight to prevent the undesirable warming of the Earth's climate. The report indicates that IPCC findings support the proposal outlined in Patent 1991 Hughes Aircraft on the stratospheric seeding to reduce global warming. This patent was later purchased by Raytheon, the private contractor defense government zunien. It's the same company that won the contract to build HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program ) in Gakona, Alaska.

The military-industrial complex for complete control of the weather against global warming

HAARP is a large network of 180 branches projecting powerful electromagnetic pulses in order to heat a particular point in the ionosphere. This has the effect of creating electromagnetic frequencies that can be reflected in desired locations on Earth, causing serious disruption to weather and geophysical environments, even deep underground [4, 5]. HAARP can deliver up to 3.6 billion watts, raise the temperature of the ionosphere to over 50,000 degrees and "raise an area of 30 square kilometers in the ionosphere, and alter this way pressure systems located or even change the path of the jet stream. "
[Translator's note: Could this explain the blocking the jet-stream at the origin of the strange weather in Russia and Pakistan this summer?]

The Orange Box report cites evidence that Raytheon could develop an ability to "exercise a form of complete control of the weather , "a situation with a marked resemblance to the promises made Monsanto "to control the food chain." It should be noted that there are currently more than 500 patents of genetically modified " climate ready" (adapted to the climate) waiting for licensing approval in Washington and Brussels. According to their creators, seeds and genetically modified plants "climate ready " promise to be able to produce a crop both in terms of flooding and drought.

The "ETC Group" , of human rights and environmental monitoring, describes the evolution of the atmospheric geoengineering: "The deployment of the" Plan B "(a reference to the use of geo-engineering, if other measures to reduce emissions should be deemed ineffective) is skillfully executed: eminent committees sponsored by groups of prestige, an avalanche of articles evaluated by peers in scientific journals and in the Nordic countries, Politicians aligned panicked, shaking his head nervously to acquiesce while scientists attest to the "need to find Plan B."

Rady Ananda says at the end of his paper [6]: "With details such as spraying schedules of the Government, orders of chemicals, the exact nomenclature used in the operations manuals of air services and calls economists in favor of geoengineering, Orange Box consistent report published in 1996 by senior military personnel Zunie, entitled "Weather as a force multiplier: Master the Weather in 2025" [7] to support his notion of "strong government involvement in highest level in projects of climate control. "Ananda continues [6]:" Controlling the Weather in 2025 provides a precise timetable for the use of technical In Mod in cooperation with the Association of Change weather, a group dealing with the government that promotes the benefits of use of environmental changes [8]:

2000-2025, use of chemicals in the air seeding done by civil aviation ( and military)

2004, thanks to nanotechnology, creation of intelligent clouds with an exponential increase, from 2010

, 2005, introduction of black dust carbon. "

UN engaged in the fight against geoengineering the climate

In 2007, the World Meteorological Organization (s UN) issued a statement including "Guidelines for planning activities to change the weather." This document clearly implies the United Nations in the conduct of project activities of aerosols at a large scale. In

part of the report Orange Box on "the bare necessities of geo-engineering through the creation of clouds for the survival of the planet," the authors declare: "Our investigation team concludes that programs to control climate, controlled by the military, but approved by governments, are discretely implemented to avoid the worst scenario they want to avoid. The two basic instruments are the temperature control, through the creation of artificial clouds, and manipulation of the ionosphere, with heaters.

"Both systems are essentially military fighting with the option to launch an offensive if necessary. However, since several ionospheric heating systems are installed in various locations around the globe, we can assume that there is broad cooperation among governments to achieve the climate in 2025: the weather control and the planet. "

The spray systems seem organized in logical combination for the whole of Europe is covered in a period of three days. Colorful maps of Europe show when each operation should be performed.

In the section entitled "Recommendations" report, the authors state: "The persistent chemtrails have a devastating impact on ecosystems planet and the quality of life in general. "The authors call full disclosure to the public's current activities in Mod, and respect for all civil aviation regulations.

Moratorium on the activities of geoengineering

encouraging data, in response to interest policy towards geo-engineering as a means of climate control, sub-committee of the UN Convention on Biodiversity in May 2010 proposed a moratorium on the activities of geo-engineering [9]. This proposal will be heard at the tenth Conference of Parties to the UN Convention for Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan, in October this year (2010).

The Orange Box report further indicates that the Zunie to test outdoor chemical and biological weapons. This overrides the civil law mentioned earlier in this article. The authors paraphrase and permissive law, "Minister of Defense may conduct tests and experiments involving the use of chemical and biological agents on civilian populations." He appears that concerns of "national security" may serve the president to reject the environmental considerations and public health. Is this the same thing in Europe?

I provided an overview of the main testimony arising from the report Orange Box. It makes a significant contribution to open the secret agendas that would otherwise have no place in a democracy self-reported. Among other reports consistent, there's an important paper by Dr. Ilya Perlingieri, entitled "Effect of aerosols of metals and chemicals on human health" [10]. Ms. Perlingieri said: "Over the last decade, independent testing on chemtrails across the country have shown a very dangerous toxic brew containing barium, aluminum nanoparticles coated fiberglass (known as CHAFF name) of radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, dried blood, mold spores, mycotoxins of fungi yellow, ethylene dibromide and polymer fibers. Its toxicity barium can be compared to arsenic [11], and it is known to affect the heart. Aluminum has the reputation damage to brain function. "I do not need to add that ethylene dibromide is a highly toxic agricultural pesticide.

Now we share this information, we must act accordingly. It is vital to support the moratorium to be presented in October in Japan. Write to your MP to say that these global operations are not nonsense "theories conspiracy, "and they take place without public consultation and without any effort to warn of their potential impact.

References 1. Speech by Dr. Coen Vermeeren symposium at Delft University of Technology, May 29, 2010,

2. "The top scientific body calls the''Plan B''geo-engineering," Catherine Brahic: New Scientist, 1/9/2009,

3. Mitchell DL and W. Finnegan "Changing the cirrus to reduce global warming." Environmental Research Letters, October 30, 2009,

4 . "About HAARP Belitsos in an article," Radical Wisdom, July 14, 2010, /

5. To learn more about HAARP, see "Controlling Weather World, "by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research,

6. "Geo-engineering atmospheric weather manipulation, chemtrails and contrails," Rady Ananda of, July 30, 2010,

7. Colonel Tamzy J. House, and others, "Weather as a force multiplier: Master the Weather in 2025, "Department of Defense, Air Force zunienne, 17/06/1996. Released publicly in August 1996. Reproduced in the Federation of Scientific zuniens:

8. Website Weather Modification :

9. Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, "Comprehensive review of work on biodiversity and climate change climate, "the draft recommendations, the Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP/CBD/SBTTA/l.9, 15/05/2010.

10. "Consequences of metals and aerosols of toxic chemicals on human health," Ilya Perlingieri, May 12, 2010,

11. See Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)

Translation copyleft Pétrus Lombard

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chesty Cough 8 Month Old

Atmospheric Geoengineering Case Orange French summary.

acseipica unearthed on yahoo group.

Orange Box is the name of a report scientist, developed by a team of aeronautical engineers Dutch and Belgian , who felt it was time to publicly unveil the real facts about these contrails of aircraft known as "chemtrails".

The identity of authors is not revealed, but all data can be controlled via the references in footnotes and all statements are supported by detailed schedules.

This report essentially shows without contradiction is possible that spraying actually made around the world for many years and put into action by the United States.

Orange Box was presented at the International Symposium in Ghent, organized by the Belfort Group May 29, 2010. You can listen to the speakers on the following site:
http: / / / channel / belfast-test

The document includes a basic text of 70 p. and 230 p. appendices.
It can be downloaded at the following site:

Below is a summary in French text base.

orange box - French summary

Friday, September 10, 2010

Quickest Point And Shoot

Arriba, arriba

s it is the holidays! Hooray! AC
expected since Christmas, and after a holiday provided for in Darwin canceled due to moving, the annual trip in the hexagon has been desired.

On our return, we will tell our stay, which will take us two days in Paris rob fabric stores, a weekend with friends adultes/17 with 22 children, a trip to Brittany and a bath of iodine, a small week Central Park and the inevitable visit Chablis-les-Bains: AC should rhyme with "joker", "fantastic" or "friendly".
You will also tell how to travel with a baby of 18 months without any tears ... (Otherwise CALLED Coue Method !). Prepare the

sauciflard, rillettes and booze: Pouchoun planned to rise above 70kgs!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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TECHNOFIX, conclusion.

report translation of on techno-fixes
The Lucinda .

original PDF in English: download / available online .

See above:
CHAPTER 2: Addressing change by techno-climate setting: problems and alternatives.
CHAPTER 3: The perspective of dominant firms on climate change.

The TECHNOFIX: conclusion.

The rapid increase and continuous CO2-emitting facilities on a new decade may make avoidance of dangerous climate change impractical, if not impossible.

Politicians and companies are wrong not because they crave the bad technology but because they consider only one aspect of climate change. As we noted in Chapter 2, we need to change on many fronts: technological, social, political, economic. They are all related, but the plan has a social role.

This report does not present itself as a manifesto. We should beware of those who think they have an answer for everything, nothing is simple. This is a contribution to a discussion that engages us all now and that should be in the crosshairs of each of us in these times of crisis.

technological change.

It is not enough in itself but it is vital. We need to have requirements of criteria for sustainable energy. Many technologies that are conventionally called "renewable" (biofuels and other bioenergy, hydropower on a large scale, biogas and waste incineration) do not help the situation. The technologies that are now operational and can help us move towards more sustainable societies are those on which we must address.

We need research and development to increase the effectiveness of these technologies, improve energy storage capacity and seek the mastery of technologies that can utilize renewable and sustainable.

change policy.

The climate control is within the political sphere and not just the economic sphere. It is necessary that time member of society to make decisions regarding the solutions we adopt. This requires a commitment to democracy and an action policy that does not rely on the creation of markets, but on how we produce energy for distribution, and which govern the way we consume.

economic change.

As the "consumer age" comes inevitably to the decline, we need to find how to master the transition to a society whose economy is based on requirements management that is fair and sustainable.

The current economic model is not up to par. The estimated values of a particular action or no action on climate change is trivial, we can not give a value of the critical impact calculations (the collapse of ecosystems) that entails. We need a scientific understanding of the problem based on a survey of measures that are most effective, fair and sustainable and not just attractive from an economic standpoint.

Social Change.

is one that will all other changes, if it is done. He might have led to changes that have taken place so far.
must calibrate the needs of the limitations of global resources by encouraging cooperation, change of lifestyle, and use of appropriate technologies. We need to manage our food, our transportation, our homes our farm land and our economy more sustainable. These sustainable solutions must be done, mostly small scale and on a given territory, to target the needs of local people. To achieve these objectives we must cooperate at a community level.

Some would argue that if the problem is global, solutions must be too. But this would ignore the complexity of the situation: the solutions to global does not take into account local impacts and dynamics at smaller scales. It can certainly be measured more easily. Replacing a fuel for another can reduce a measurable quantity of emissions, while more local interventions or behavioral changes are more difficult to predict or quantify. Social changes are less easy to understand if we take the prism of a systems analyst carbon or an accountant. That is why the mechanisms put in place have failed, they missed the most important factor.

Very often, when people who work for these social changes explain their point of view, they said they "believe in fairy tales. "They do not fake, but they are close to reality.

You want a fairy tale? Try this: Keep
  • issue of greenhouse gases, exacerbating the problem of history over the next 20 years while hoping that something will.
  • Sit on key technologies-in-hands that are not yet finalized and that will not work for some.
  • Nothing about a third of emissions from deforestation and agriculture.
  • Do nothing to solve the underlying problem, namely the excessive consumption of resources.
You may end up not fairyland, but surely on a planet unrecognizable, populated desert plastic, fake trees and clouds making machines.

So let's be really realistic. Technology will be helpful in developing solutions, but they are not a panacea. Other changes much more important than the technology is technically feasible, and it depends on our immediate actions to achieve them. We have to overcome major obstacles. But with all the knowledge and experience we have, and our extraordinary capacity for adaptation, as we have not reached the limit of 2 degrees, we still have a chance. And do not take it would be suicidal.

The start towards a sustainable solution to climate change could resemble the situation we find ourselves today. The science is indisputable. Opinion public begins to rise. Politicians and companies pretend to offer solutions but people do not believe any more. Some politicians are even beginning to question the perpetual economic growth. The seeds of change are sown. It has a lot to do to germinate these seeds and bring them to maturity, there is still time, we can still do it.

Subaru Airbags Replace

TECHNOFIX, Chapters 4 and 5

Translation of report on techno-fixes
The Lucinda .

original PDF in English: download / available online .

See above:
CHAPTER 2: Addressing climate change by techno-setting: problems and alternatives.
CHAPTER 3: The perspective of dominant firms on climate change.

Chapters 4 and 5:
technologies and energy efficiency. (summary scores)

efficiency to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases: 1 / 10.
Efficiency up to its media and figures in science: 1 / 10.
Democratization: 1 / 10, the dominance of large companies is the access condition.
Social equity: 3 / 10, no new side effects, but an inequality already existing energy.
Durability: 2 / 10, although it avoids the use of fossil fuels, it perpetuates the negative impacts of car use.
Variability scale: 2 / 10, requires a huge infrastructure, much more expensive (and elitist) that the current automotive technology.

first generation agrofuels:
efficiency to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases: 1 / 10.
Efficiency up to its media and figures in science: 1 / 8.
Democratization: 2 / 10, increases the power of agribusiness at the expense of opportunities to exploit local and limited.
Social equity: 1 / 10, rising food prices, seizures land and violate the rights of workers;
Durability: 1 / 10, its expansion depends on agricultural conversion and damages the ecosystem.
Variability Scale: 1 / 10.

capture and storage of carbon / fossil fuel "clean"
efficiency to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases: 3 / 10.
Efficiency up to its media and figures in science: 1 / 7.
Democratization: 1 / 10, the dominance of large companies is provided access.
Social equity: 3 / 10, no new side effects, but perpetuates the injustices of the coal industry.
Durability: 3 / 10, the coal reserves are by definition limited, and mine are having a negative impact on ecosystems.
Variability Scale: 4 / 10, which applies only to major sources of supply.

Nuclear Energy:
Effectiveness in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases: 4 / 10.
Efficiency at height its media and figures in science: 1 / 3.
Democratization: 1 / 10, the dominance of large companies is the access condition.
Social equity: 1 / 10, the waste is borne by future generations for a very long time.
Durability: 3 / 10, depends on the sustainability of fuel and waste issues get worse as we extend its use.
Variability Scale: 5 / 10, does not fit all needs globally.

Solar energy:
efficiency to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases: 8 / 10, the panel construction is a consumer of carbon.
Efficiency up to its media and figures in science: 1 / 3.
Democratization: 7 / 10, only requires a centralized manufacturing and high technology, its use may be highly decentralized.
Social equity: 7 / 10, no side effects and can extend electricity to areas not accessible, but then attention to the aspect of "colonizing" of access to energy.
Durability: 6 / 10, perhaps the problem with raw materials and the impacts associated with manufacturing.
Variability scale: 7 / 10, can provide large-scale storage, but the question remains unresolved.

efficiency to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases: 8 / 10, construction of wind turbines is a consumer of carbon.
Efficiency up to its media and figures in science: 1 / 2.
Democratization: 5 / 10, such as solar, can be decentralized implementation, but rather the current situation favors big business.
Social equity: 8 / 10, no side effects, can expand access to energy.
Durability: 8 / 10.
Variability scale: 7 / 10, can provide large-scale storage, but the question remains unresolved.

Hydraulic energy: hydropower, tidal energy, wave energy.
The first is an old technology (dams) and the two others are still the experimental. Their impact on the ecosystem is too important for any analysis can be notified.

efficiency to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases: 6 / 10, the potential is reduced by the contingency of transport and emissions.
Efficiency up to its media and figures in science: 1 / 3.
Democratization: 9 / 10 for biogas and the traditional use of biomass, 3 / 10 for the new generation of electricity and heat that emanate from majors.
Social equity: 7 / 10 for biogas.
Durability: 10/10 for biogas, 3 / 10 for the new generation of electricity and heating, it could be improved, but it relies on a change in land use.
Variability Scale: 3 / 10.

Expansion vs. network. Decentralised Energy:

score Extension Network decentralized energy
efficiency to reduce emissions 6 / 10, could encourage consumption of renewable energy. 6 / 10, more efficient use of existing fuels, but does not eliminate fossil fuels and microgeneration can be inefficient.
Efficiency up to its media and figures in science 1 / 4 1 / 2
Democratization 2 / 10 is control by electricity, far concerns of individuals and communities. 7 / 10, power is so decentralized in the hands of local structures.
Social equity 3 / 10, the phenomenon of "colonization" by the energy. 7 / 10
Durability 8 / 10, once established, the system should be robust. 5 / 10, many systems still dependent on fossil fuels.
scalability 6 / 10, what proportion of needs? 6 / 10, could expand considerably, in which friends proportions?

geoengineering technologies:
efficiency to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases: 2 / 10.
Efficiency up to its media and figures in science: 1 / 10.
Democratization: 1 / 10, the projects are based on gross inequalities.
Social equity: 1 / 10 lot of negative effects on the inhabitants of deserts, forests, fisheries, victims affected by climate experiments and future generations forced maintain such coercion on the climate.
Durability: 1 / 10, the projects would need to be maintained over very long periods, deploying enormous efforts.
Variability Scale: 1 / 10, no evidence of emission reduction on a large scale.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vlc Animated Wallpaper

TECHNOFIX, Chapter 3

Translation of report on techno-fixes
The Lucinda .

original PDF in English: download / available online .

See above:
CHAPTER 2: Addressing change climate by techno-fixing: the problems and alternatives.


The perspective of dominant firms on climate change.
"To achieve a green one has to live green. " Newsweek, March 2007.
The question of the technological approach to the climate problem can not be separated from the political approach subservient to the laws of markets and businesses. The government response to climate change has been to establish goals (inadequate) reduction of emissions that could attract industry. Because the implementation of solutions has been left in the hands of the market, in charge of analyzing the response of firms to climate change that is to evaluate the effectiveness of these technological solutions.
From denial to ownership, business and climate change.
Who today said he did not feel concerned by climate change? This strange situation has emerged when the environmental issue has been publicized by companies. 50 years earlier, it was shocking, especially for all those executives who now try to convince the world that they care about the planet.
The strategy of the business community on climate change has had a major turnaround in the late 90s. An influential group of companies has included the denial of climate change would not work and needed strategies more subtle and complex to take advantage of the climate threat.
The propaganda campaign of denial climate was the foundation created by the tobacco industry about the link between cancer and smoking. The tobacco industry has established of "front groups" to examine a range of issues, including the issue of cancer and climate change they have described as "scientifically bogus" 18 The growing threat posed action on climate change has led to the creation by the petroleum and automotive the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) to cast doubt on the relevance of climate science and counteracting the political efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 19 But as the campaign denial of the tobacco industry cover, because of lawsuits against big tobacco, 20 small streams of evidence about climate change have undermined the position skeptical climatologists, large companies have begun to change tactics.
It took a better approach than the denial to control the issue and ensure that politicians try to resolve it with means who arrange the logic of the market. In 1997 the major companies have begun to separate from the GCC, by making major public statements, so back on the jacket lapel green 21. The oil companies become 'energy industries 'And highlight their investments in solar energy or wind. It has been announced by many NGOs as a major step forward.
Denial climate is at the bottom of oblivion with the last major defendant the United States. However, it was an effective strategy, if one accepts the fact that the aim of denial did not win a debate, but to believe that a debate exists, and thus to postpone the inevitable that governments are taking seriously the existence of climate change. By being more positive than the "demon of denial Climate manufacturers have successfully rebranded their coup, which is to impose capitalism as a solution to the problem. The dual strategy of denial and false solutions to very well. The third strategy is to save time diversion, especially with new technologies. Companies are investing in technology to make a stylistic exercise in public relations, without really seriously address the problem. Suffice to say that they buy time to allow the most destructive industries such as oil, automobile, coal, aviation, to continue to make profits while people expect the arrival of new alternative technologies. Indeed, companies are saying, "Do not worry about climate change, we will manage. There's nothing ready yet but we'll get there. "That was the message heard by all the reports commissioned by the companies, BAT at General Electric. Technologies are only spins agitated by companies and governments. The issue of independence of information sources is crucial.
addition to the staging of public debate, the influence of companies on governments gave them immense power over the measures that are implemented to climate change. With the support of the business elite, Al Gore led the U.S. team in negotiations for the Kyoto Protocol has made a massive taking of interest for companies introducing the commodification of emissions, which gives polluters a license to continue polluting (see below 22.)
What do the big companies?
Large companies are legally obliged to put profit above all other considerations 23. What that seems positive action on their part, it is always in the direction of their interests. Unilever, the giant food and "welfare" that must cope with higher prices, especially palm oil due to demand for biofuels, commissioned and published a report alerting environmental hazards of these 24. Their own prime interest then, and it shows especially in their investing. BP invests in solar power but always getting down to the construction of new pipelines. Worse, BP is also investing in the bitumen and oil shale, which is far more harmful than oil.
Directors of companies have the right to act according to their future profits, which could include a crisis-avoidance strategy for the society in which they work. But this would require collaboration between many companies, without this collaboration, management of emissions reductions would affect profits in the short term and would fall in the stock market. Such collaboration, if not for the immediate interests (such as fight against restrictive legislation) has never existed. Worse, attempt to settle the issue of climate change will spell the death knell for industries that are not ready to work.
Although collaborations were established, it would be for the long term interests of big business, not those of society.
mechanisms based on the markets.
Large companies want to avoid regulations that would impact on their profits. The market-based mechanisms, for which companies receive financial subsidies or tax cuts to encourage them to reduce their emissions are more acceptable if their alternative is regulation. They follow the logic of large companies that will make a gesture in favor of the company unless they receive a reward for them.
After profit, big companies want a predictable environment for their businesses. In terms of climate policy, what are the taxes on pollution, what are the subsidies on energy saving, and what public investments in new technologies would benefit them, as are government policies that could encourage or halt the development of such or such facilities as coal power plants, airports and wind farms. Businesses can adapt to a more restrictive environment (although they put pressure to avoid it) only if it proves reliable over the long term.
competitive advantages
By investing early in new technologies and highlighting mechanisms based on the market, the companies hope to gain an advantage over their competitors and thus be more competitive. This is a good harvest impact public relations and be perceived as being at the forefront.
Targeting lifestyle.
companies and governments will do well with a vision of climate change is more a change in consumer behavior as the changing economic structures. This drags out the responsibility of the sphere of producers and legislators while concealing the role of government in representing the rights of the public interest and the propensity of firms to encourage compulsive use. Consumption becomes the solution not the problem.
Global scale, mass production and ongoing solutions.
Some products and markets accommodate themselves better than others with the dominance of large companies due to economies of scale, profit margins, the labor-capital ratio, opportunities for standardization (or lack of opportunities) and many many other factors. Thus, for example, the oil trade is dominated by huge transnational corporations, so that the hair is very small structures.
In the growing market for technologies to reduce emissions, we can see how technology centralization and large scale (nuclear energy, dams, tidal power plant, coal plant with carbon capture and storage) or related technologies to mass production by creating continuous markets by selling a consumable product instantaneously (agro fuel, hydrogen), are on the front of the media scene and investment, while the technology on a smaller scale facilities that require more individual and are better able to improve a final product which does needing only a single investment (hydroelectricity currents of water, biogas production on the scale of a farm, solar thermal) are relatively neglected, despite the fact that they are much more effective in reducing emissions from the energy .. The conventional renewable energy technologies like wind turbines and solar panels are located halfway between these two axioms. Large companies focus on profit there is to learn and avoid market or smaller firms may be advantaged.
The carbon market: how it works and what are its effects on new technologies.
Why the carbon market is important for this report.
The carbon market is not a technology, it is a mechanism promoted by governments and businesses to encourage emission reductions. Now is the dominant mechanism in attempts to reductions. It has as such an important influence on selected technologies and areas of innovation.
The carbon market shows very well how the involvement of large companies in negotiating treaties on climate change has created a consensus which suits them but which is inefficient and does as arranging the ideology of market economy.
What is carbon trading?
is an attempt to tackle greenhouse emissions by converting the carbon cycle of the planet into a sum of exchangeable securities in a market. A limit (or valve) is placed on the number of greenhouse gases may be emitted, and is found divided by the number of polluting enterprises. The carbon market is the key mechanism introduced to the Kyoto Protocol by which industrialized countries (listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty) to seek their reduction plans caller. In Europe the emissions market is via the Community System of Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
This type of hybrid system allows polluters who have issued more than their quotas:
1. Buy pollution rights to polluters that have emitted less than their quota (Cap and trade).
2. Buy credits from poorer countries not included in the list in Annex 1. These credits are created according to the projects "carbon saving" (such as improving plant efficiency, tree planting or renewable energy projects), so-called reference and credit ("Baseline and credit ").
The Kyoto Protocol has two of these systems' reference-and-credit ": the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for countries outside Annex 1 (the Souths) and Joint Implementation (JI) for those who are marginalized from the Annex 1 countries of Eastern Europe .
The cost of emission permits, the price of carbon is traded by the market. At the time of writing this report, the price in Europe is around € 22-24 per tonne of carbon dioxide. In theory this should result in making the cost of emission reduction the lightest possible.
The way the quotas were divided roughly based on the number of emitters. The countries have national quotas negotiated as part of the Kyoto process and spent part of their quotas for heavy industry and energy sectors exempt from charges. UK 46% of the national quota is distributed over about 1000 plants representing an asset of 4milliards euros.
The main actors.
countries of Annex 1 Kyoto : Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.
countries selling credits CDM: China, Brazil, Korea, India (86% of total credits)
The scholarship programs : European Climate Exchange (ECX), Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), Ecosecurities, Point Carbon, Climex, SENDECO2
Supervisors appropriations AP CDM: Det Norske Veritas , TÜV Süddeutschland, SGS Societe Generale de Surveillance , Japan Quality Assurance
Pressure groups (lobby) : Environmental Markets Association, International Emissions Trading Association, International Petroleum Indus-try Environmental Conservation Association, Transatlantic Business Dialogue,
companies receiving the most credit subsidized by the government in the United Kingdom : Corus, E. ON, RWE, EDF, Keadby Generation (owners of Fiddlers Ferry power stations and Other), Drax, Scottish Power, Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Centrica, British Energy, Blue Circle (Lafarge Cement of owners), Total, Scottish and Southern Energy
NGOs: World Resources Institute, Environmental Defense, WWF
An extreme complexity that it can not walk.
Larry Lohman, criticizes the carbon market, noted that the market of the Kyoto Protocol has established the international process the more centralized, complicated, opaque and incomprehensible that has never been Instead, Community System and the trading of emissions is perhaps the most complex and most inscrutable of EU environmental legislation 25. Proponents of this system show that in the USA it has helped reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide, but it is a study of a single country, and a very limited success and subject to conditions different 26.
For this to work would have required an adequate monitoring of emissions, with real penalties, and emitters which are limited. These conditions do not exist with the carbon market. The emission level of country is not precisely measurable, at least enough to make this system effective. One study calculated the approximate margin of between 4 and 21%, 27 other between 10 and 30%. 28 The UK Environment Agency says that 40% of sites are not satisfactory monitoring of emissions. 29 addition it has many more sources of emissions for carbon dioxide as sulfur dioxide. John Henry, a businessman with a successful experience as a broker emission permits, said that given the lack of ability to monitor this important number of emitting sources and the absence of a strict regulatory mechanism at the national level, the international carbon market would "give the market mechanism programs a bad name. " 30
is precisely the problem with the" cap and trade . The "baseline and credit " is even more complicated, it is impossible to accurately measure emissions for projects. It is in the interest of all parties to overstate the economy emissions. While such projects have offset a continued rise in emissions from industrialized countries, they need to save even more emissions than what was expected if the original loan will no longer be valid for the proposed scenario-project baseline). The project was therefore to anticipate the increase of emissions and prove he can support it with the credit it has been charged.
In fact, any scenario that a company puts forward will be based on many assumptions that can not be verified, not including their variability, which will not easily quantifiable carbon saved. There is a big tendency to inflate the level of project emissions in the baseline scenario for maximum credit. Companies also tend to be a candidate for projects that they will get the credits anyway. A representative of the Asian Development Bank has admitted that their initial reaction to the CDM was to browse their portfolio to find direct projects that make money and more with carbon credits. 31 In addition, carbon credits rewards burial of carbon in the soil and planting trees. Scientific rigor that underlies these projects is more uncertain and it is simply impossible to give an exact idea of carbon saved, if any This infringement of carbon credits used to offset actual emissions of the North, as if they paid her gas bill with Monopoly money. Since CDM credits are two to four times cheaper than purchasing carbon credits with the ETS 32 European companies clearly prefer to buy even if they are not worth the paper they spoil. This makes the whole system a sham.
perverse incentives.
As it is costly for a company to the adjustments necessary to regulate its emissions quota, it is better to buy credits abroad than to invest in equipment. In short, the bare minimum of compliance is required rather than a long-term investment to reduce emissions from northern countries.
Governments of the South are rewarded for releasing their environmental standards in order to increase the references emissions scenario projects, increasing their credits. The Department of Mines and Energy of South Africa admitted he was facing pressure from the private sector who asked not to have emission reduction targets too stringent, so that the MDV projects are not considered incomplete, which would be if the Department maintained its objectives. 33
The carbon market can reduce emissions cheaply. Changes easy and cost are not necessarily those that are most important to do. Reduction measures may open the way for deeper changes in the future. Others induce discrete changes that do not evolve and have no environmental or social benefit. By example, a certain amount of emissions can be saved by improving the efficiency of a factory is a one-off. This same amount can be saved by changing behavior to move towards a reduction in energy demand, leading to lower emissions significantly in the future. Some types of cuts may have implications at least as important as the overall level. 34
Reward worst polluters with economic rights of value.
The carbon market system replaces the "polluter pays" by the "polluter bought at peace "or even" polluter profits as its principle. "
In Europe, the right to pollute was given free to 11,428 of the most polluting facilities. 35 companies have an enormous influence on the negotiation process, they are pushing for a global cap low and high emission quotas, which means they can remain for them to a quota that allows them to resell their surplus to those industries that have had less influence. In the United Kingdom, companies such as BP and Shell were able to make windfall profits while the National Health Service has had to pay much for buy extra permissions. 36 In 2205, such an "exception" means that the total number of permissions granted by the European Union exceeds the cap by 10%, equivalent to 1.8 billion € allocated to the most destructive companies.
This new system of private property rights is a concern. Governments give rights that can be considered public goods. That's privatization. History shows that when private property rights are created they find themselves in the hands of the powerful. 38 In this case is given to big polluters the right to pollute, what drives them to want more when new negotiations on emission reductions. When the cap was lowered, the companies are lobbying to maintain the right to issue the highest possible, and take the blow to household energy sectors, public sectors and transportation. At the global level, the North has the highest level of emissions permits.
Sustaining dependence on fossil fuels.
The carbon trading is designed to perpetuate the fossil fuel, not to induce changes to go to other energies. As Larry Lohmann noted, "While the market system could theoretically enable the participating plants to save money by reducing their emissions of specific substances to a particular degree, over time, and through a wider range of technologies, it is not the best choice if the goal is to save money, industrial, or achieving overall environmental improvement, or to make deeper cuts with long-term goals term, or result in a change in a large technological system scale. " 39
Carbon trading is just wasting resources and inventiveness by making only refine technologies should be eliminated. It is also true for the CDM: 72% of projects end up pinned in the form of advertisements in plants emit. Far from rewarding renewable energy projects that will have beneficial impacts on development, the CDM does that reward heavily polluting operations but very well funded, able to enlist the makers of dubious factual scenarios with probabilities. 40
The expert CDM Ben Pearson noted that "a mechanism designed to promote climate protection ... should reduce the projects based on oil and coal, and provide new sources of income by diverting renewable projects. 41
unacceptable Negative impacts on communities and the environment.
Since sites polluters can buy their very right to pollute, carbon trading does nothing to improve the lives of communities suffering from the consequences of pollution from heavy industry and petrochemicals. These polluters are concentrated in usually in very poor areas.
In addition, low-cost loans that allow companies to continue polluting the poorest communities in the North, are produced at the expense of communities of the South. CDM projects have been associated with seizures of territories and exhaustion of soils and water, human rights violations and pollution affecting the communities. The CDM has failed to reward small-scale projects that offered real benefits to communities because they were implementing too little money to move the bureaucracy.
The carbon trading does not push companies to make long term investment for the good of the planet. Instead, it has taught them how to lobby for more power issue, charging consumers inexpensive credit squeeze abroad, get a nice green image, hold fossil fuels like gas option, and make only limited progress. 42 Practical measures for long-term climate change are not part of the reality of the carbon stock.
Why big companies are not the solution to climate change.
Companies can play the market, but not climate.
Although there are few companies that have managed to combine interests and taking into account climate change, and who among their personalities really involved in this crisis, the general approach remains the problem.
Profit, interest, even from a company attempting to make a profit requires solutions that climate change is a motivation perverted. Companies are historically known to claim a particular commitment to benefit: the effectiveness of a remedy pharmaceutical, oil reserves, the impacts of their operations in the South. Advertising on technological solutions to climate change is no exception, it is to win investors and sell products.
For example, in its report on sustainable development, Shell predicted that in the medium term, drivers could move over 400 km with 2-liter tank of hydrogen that could be purchased in garages. 43 This prediction has nothing to do with the development of hydrogen technology (see below). The aviation industry continues to rely on outdated data when it asserts that its impact on climate and much lower than what the public can perceive. 44 emissions from the production of biofuels is proving to be far more damaging than fossil fuels, but companies that continue to draw benefit blindly claim to be green.
Such statements
hinder investments in technology more useful and cover emissions as companies continue to grow. Officials transmitters could be pinpointed, the emission reduction credits can be sold, but in terms of climate emissions are still there and it still does nothing.
The boom in environmental technology.
"When industry giants such as GE, Toyota, and Sharp, as well as investors such as Goldman Sachs infuse billions and billions of dollars in clean technology, the message is clear. Develop environmental technologies is no longer a social issue that environmentalists have to gamble, but a financial company firmly anchored in the stream of business. " 45
How the world TECHNOFIX sponsored by companies moving easily observed in markets. Environmental technologies and clean technologies are planned for the new startups, new biotechnologies, the new technology wave that will change the world and will greatly benefit companies that have managed to take this new trend. Waving their new image they are environmentalist a new current commercial, environmental technologies mean "any product, service or process that delivers value using little or no nonrenewable resources and / or creates less waste than conventional offerings. " 46 This encompasses several sectors: energy, transportation, materials and water. In 2006, the clean energy sector alone was estimated at 55.4 billion dollars by researchers at Clean Edge . 47 researchers Lux Research, emerging technology experts has produced the largest and most analysts calculated the number of these companies Clean Technology 1500 in the world. 48
These technological booms occur when a number of factors come together. Analysts cleantech describe a "perfect storm" of factors that contributed to its growth
Climate change and peak oil: increase in oil prices, demand from governments for energy security and potential cost of greenhouse gases due to the carbon market has encouraged companies to invest in environmental technology.
Emerging markets: economic growth China, India, other Asian countries, Africa and South America leads to increased investment in cleaner technologies, just because there are not enough fossil fuel to follow. Millions of people leave rural areas to cities and economic growth leads to a higher demand for access to electricity and other services. In 2006, China has devoted to investment near $ 180 billion over 15 years in environmental technology. Companies want to cut their share in this emerging market.
Technological convergence: The New developments in nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technology opens enormous opportunities in creating materials, processes or products and less expensive.
competition: the old, regions and countries are beginning to compete to be the hub of manufacturing and development of clean technologies by offering subsidies and tax cuts.
capital: many investors to lead the growth of the Internet revolution High Tech and began to invest in clean technology in recent years. Vinod Khosla of Sun Microsystems is a key investor. Large companies like Goldman Sachs , BP, General Electric have invested billions in the sector.
consumer's concern: that demand for products and services and promote equity market to create specific products.
The effects of this boom.
Green technologies are far from being the alternative niche companies concerned about social issues or environmental. Rather it is an investment for profit researchers who show little regard for environmental causes, except for public communication. The estimation of environmental technology companies based largely on intellectual property, which is the key to winning investments from the capitalist adventure. It is racing to key technologies which will be dependent populations in the future, in order to receive royalties.
In this approach Electronics , performance is key. In the absence of legislation motivating, ie providing subsidies and tax exemptions, temporary ban on products deemed destructive, companies can not get new products on the market the only environmental criteria, they must confront their performance with conventional products. So it comes to performance and not saving energy, which does not involve consumption reduction or sustainable development. Can be seen in automobile development. The Model T Ford has a performance of 25 mpg. The U.S. average is 21 mpg today. Gains have been used to increase speed, weight, and gadgets 50.
For many the boom in clean technologies is a positive sign towards a perspective of climate regulation. The market is waking up, innovations provide new opportunities. But analysts warn that already environmental technologies are likely to drown in his own hype. Lux Research noted that these new markets "are strangely reminiscent of the boom in Internet start-up" companies with highly inflated because capital flows happen. 51 What makes the market explodes and is very dynamic. However, at the time of writing this report, the global credit shrinks and the impending U.S. recession dries up the cash flows, which will slow the boom and bring about a revaluation of available capital.
Of the thousands of new firms only a small percentage will increase. For those who develop technologies no matter if they walk, what matters is to attract funds, make money and sell everything with the crash. We see little in other sectors such as during the boom in biotechnology the 90s, the GM seed companies had promised food plants with medicinal or nutritional education. What about now? In most cases, companies have been bought, merged, and their major flagship projects which were making a decade ago have disappeared from circulation.
In the analysis of the boom in clean technologies, technologies that have missed the boat are those that can not be applied to large scale, or whose cost does not make them competitive on the market. There are many reasons why these technologies have failed to test the market. The effectiveness and durability are just two factors among many others, from the perspective of the market, they do not matter.
Large companies are scrambling to play portal and the weather chart to see which companies will survive their hype, and wait for the price of carbon reaches a price that make these technologies viable. Meanwhile we weigh the pros and cons of the solutions to climate change. The changes should have been done years earlier had been postponed, putting aside the technologies that might be useful until they are more profitable, emissions and increase the possibilities of avoiding dangerous climate swings down.

18 George Monbiot, 'The Denial Industry' in Heat: How to Stop the Planet Burning , Penguin, 2006 p20-42
19 Source Watch, the Global Climate Coalition ' Viewed 02/02/2008
20 Gene Borio, 'Tobacco Timeline', viewed 2/2/08
21 . See Source Watch, 'Global Climate Coalition', viewed 2/2/08
22 Larry Lohman, 'Made in the USA' in Carbon Trading:A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power , Dag Hammarskjold Foundation, October 2006, and George Monbiot, 'Hurray We're Going Backwards', The Guardian, 17 December 2007
23 Rebecca Spencer, Corporate Law and Structures: Exposing the Root of the Problem , Corporate Watch, January 2004 and Claire Fauset, What's Wrong With Corporate Social Responsibility? , Corporate Watch, May 2006
24 Unilever, ‘Promoting sustainable biofuels’ October 2007. biofuels.asp
25 Larry Lohmann, Carbon Trading: A critical conversation on climate change, privatisation and power , Dag Hammarskjold Foundation, Development Dialogue no. 48, September 2006, p195
26 ibid., p108-9
27 Suvi Monni, ‘Uncertainties in the Finnish Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory’, Environmental Science and Policy 7, 2004, p87–98
28 Michael Obersteiner et al., ‘Quantifying a Fully Verifi able Kyoto’, World Resource Review 14, 2002, p542.
29 ‘Agency Slashes Check Monitoring of Industrial Emissions’, ENDS Report 360, January 2005. See also Fred Pearce, ‘Kyoto’s Promises are Nothing but Hot Air’, New Scientist 2557, 24 June 2006,
30 Larry Lohmann, Carbon Trading: A critical conversation on climate change, privatisation and power , Dag Hammarskjold Foundation, Development Dialogue no. 48, September 2006, p132
31 ibid., p147
32 ibid., p141
33 ibid., p176-177
34 Larry Lohmann, Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power , Development Dialogue No 48, September 2006, p101 - 121
35 Carbon Market Europe, 24 June 2005,
36 Open Europe, ‘The High Price of Hot Air: Why the EU Emissions Trading Scheme is an Environmental and Economic Failure’, Executive Summary, London, 2006, p3.
38 Larry Lohmann, Carbon Trading: A critical conversation on climate change, privatisation and power , Dag Hammarskjold Foundation, Development Dialogue no. 48,
September 2006, p78-79
39 ibid., p118
40 ibid., p172
41 ibid., p181
42 ibid., p190-191
43 Energy Needs, Choices and Possibilities: Scenarios to 2050 , Global Business Environment, Shell International 2001, p48 CaseStudies/Shell_2050.pdf
44 See for an analysis of this: Stefan Gossling and Paul Peeters, 'It Does Not Harm the Environment! An Analysis of Industry Discourses on Tourism, Air Travel and the Environment', Journal of Sustainable Tourism Vol. 15, No. 4, 2007
45 Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder, The Clean Tech Revolution: The Next Big Growth and Investment Opportunity , Collins, 2007 cover
46 ibid., p2
47 ibid., p19
48 Lux Research, The Cleantech Report , 2007
51 Lux Research, The Cleantech Report , 2007