Friday, February 4, 2011

How Do You Play Tech Deck Online

pools within ENCVIP!

grouped Playing the lottery ...

Playing together in clubs to 36 people can participate in 1 draw per week.
Three groups of 5 numbers are assigned to you, we all play with no chance.
Therefore, 3 x 10 = 30 grids are played by the club every Saturday.
At the end of each mini table 8 new weeks are granted.
earnings are payable only after full payment of your membership.

ENC VIP compensation plan offers the most innovative and dynamic in direct selling industry. With two ways to earn income, lotto and commissions generated by descent is a powerfully enriching opportunity.
We offer one of the strongest compensation plan in the industry, allowing qagner monthly income and weekly up to a level more interesting!
The compensation plan provides a logical path ENCVIP and rewarding for a better financial future. It rewards your personal efforts and allows you to leverage your time while helping others achieve their success.
The plan is generous and should provide substantial and regular income.
The compensation plan ENC VIP should allow you to see the realization of your most ambitious dreams!
MLM as an alternative to the crisis, we believe!

If you wish, through a group policy, how an investment of € 83.50 will earn you more than 15.000 €, contact Bernard Winterhalter (sponsor code EV90BW) or jmGaudion ( code sponsor EV88JMG)
Video presentation of the concept ENCVIP

Conference presentation every Thursday at 21:00
(your name + invited to enter the room)

access portal ENCVIP
Contact BOES founder Hugh ENC here.
To our success!


(Click images to zoom)


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