Friday, March 4, 2011

Brazillian Waxing Reviews Ottawa

E-Player + ENCVIP, explosive cocktail!

Click on picture to zoom! Welcome to Christian

CHERY (Martinique)

161 positions in our lineage to ENCVIP 03/03/2011! (Position berjmgpascl)

We will explain how success is assured, as long as you possible
working as a team ... (The logic of one for all and all for me is forbidden!)

To our success !


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Australien En Jockstrap

E-serving player ENCVIP!

E-Player, a small cost, big profits!

Contact us via NSW Keno:

We will explain how e-Player will fully contribute to the success of each in ENCVIP.

E-Player is fully in the proposed dynamic previously proposed ENCVIP.

You can subscribe to our Newletter and follow the progress of our line here.

You will be able to access our video presentations ...

For those interested, I propose to include on the blog each E-Player affiliate link so that your chances are multiplied to obtain direct referrals ...

If interested
(s) contact me by e-mail link said: with your full name or nickname ...

MLM as an alternative to the crisis, think!
You just do what it takes ...

To our success!

Bernard WINTERHALTER - jmGaudion

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Academic Poster Presentation Templates

We are Australian! Made by us

Since January 26, the day of the Australia Day (Australia Day), here we are officially Australian. That day, we were right in a ceremony organized by the local council with an orchestra and a barbecue for us and our guests. About fifty people from twenty different countries were nationalized this day in Leichhardt (more than 13,000 people in total throughout the country), all in glorious sunshine, even cooking. After being sworn in and sang the national anthem (studiously repeated the previous days), we saw our citizenship certificate issued with a native plant.

Australian citizenship ceremony
The citizenship ceremony

all started with a visa "working holiday" to remain in Australia until one year (two in some conditions) and work a few months . That's how we've both started working for our institute, which we quickly sponsored a work visa for several years. In 2007, again thanks to the support of our company, we became Australian permanent residents, an essential step and also the most complicated (because a lot of HIV testing and paperwork to get / fill) on the road to citizenship.

Luckily, France and Australia accept multi-nationality which has allowed us, after 5 years and 3 types of visas, we transform piliens Franco-Australian like Wooshwoosh who became one of his birth . This means that we now enjoy the same rights as any other Australian, especially those of voting and working for the government. It also means that we are free to come and go at any time without ever having to worry about visa and that future generations will have piliennes Australian citizenship regardless of their birthplaces. You just hope that France Australia and never come to war because we should fight against us even as Edward Norton in Fight Club.

Next month we will open our brand new passport to go to New Zealand. History of spending a few holidays to three before the arrival of Pepin and visit to our favorite dalmatian.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

2009 Waverunner Vx110 Deluxe Jet Ski

E-Player, a powerful tool that will contribute significantly to the success of our dynamic relationship with ENCVIP. Some evidence of payments

129 February 24, 2011 in ENCVIP ...

We welcome the passage of the remarkable Michael SORREL that actively contributes to the line advanced.

For my part, I work in a format that will highlight the adequacy E-Player and ENCVIP which is fully and totally in group dynamics proposed by us ... (links on NSW Keno: )

pools were a great success, with rapid gains recorded E- player will allow everyone to easily resume pools or positions in VIP.

The 3000 € more than ever a formality, the tables at 10000 € more accessible!

E-Player is a godsend!

To our success

Bernard Winterhalter jmGaudion

Send this link (registration Newletter) to your contacts, they can track our progress and if we join

Above some evidence of payments under the ENC ENC opportunities Ken (Keno), ENC Live (Euro Million), ENCVIP (lotto)! ...

We are 103 in our lineage to the ENCVIP 19/02/2011!

ENCVIP started on 2/15/2011, we have 3 positions in matrix to 3000 €, including one about to leave!

Our group policy is bearing fruit, not slacken our efforts, success is at the end and for each of us!

I remind you that all links are on the blog!

NSW Keno:

Join Us!
Sign up for our Newletter
for our advanced ...

Bernard Winterhalter jmGaudion

Monday, February 21, 2011

Costume Ideas For On A Boat Theme

ORANGE BOX - Translation full report in French Belfort Group

In September 2010,
we talked a French summary of this report Belfort Group.

In February 2011,
here full translation into French of ORANGE BOX!
Thanks to Monique Degueldre.

We chose here to present only the translation of the report and Appendix 1.
- Download the pdf only contains the complete translation of the report: here
- The view fullscreen : there

Press " Fullscreen " below to view the document in full screen.
Press "Exit Fullscreen " to return to this page.

But other rich appendices of this report are really compulsive.
- Download the rest of the annexes of the report: here
- Download the full report and results of all Schedules: here

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Any Cheerleaders Ever Get A Wedgy?

ENC (Euro-New Concept)

MLM alternative to the crisis, we believe, let's make it fair and effective ...
With ENC, we definitely all the ingredients needed to create additional income recurring!
Here is an article

Here is an example of what you might receive in your inbox, for NSW, as part of a dynamic group ...

Why have we chosen for the establishment of pools within the ENCVIP opportunity.

I would first like to say that we have the endorsement of Hugh BOES, founder of NSW and that it gives us confidence to develop this unique ...
Contact Hugh BOES here:

Access to ENCVIP opportunity is an investment for most of us, the 250th is a fact!
We know that taking a position can not be an end in itself and must develop a minimum (at least two godchildren), or the greatest number is not capacity to do so due to time constraints and other impediments.
When I prospect online, I consider it my duty to explain exactly what are the implications and potential "risks" so that he knows where he will engage. (Ins and outs)

thorny question ...

It appears after reflection, that the establishment of pools as part of a group policy, provided you're wanting to learn to work together in harmony, to optimize the chance of individual success. Taking positions with us (two leaders - one guest) is reassuring for those who committed ...
When we opt for an operation in pools, we decided to work by choice and necessity together!
Some carriers "fanciful" in connection with our group dynamics and pools.
The key success.

ENCVIP pools winners.

Pools of three in a nutshell.


links on this page:

- Pre-registration pools

- Suggestions pools

- We also Flyers ...

We are for more creative than resume formula.

Contact us!

To our success ...
Bernard Winterhalter jmGaudion.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Brazilian Waxing Reviews Ottawa

ENCVIP, MLM alternative to the crisis, why pools of three ...

Click on image to zoom ...

- Payments by check, bank transfer or your account

- Click
Follow this link to view those matrices

ENCVIP in summary above (click image to zoom)

The result is guaranteed if one knows how to work together in a Group Policy !

The entrance fee is 250 €, the ability to access ENCVIP for € 83.50 (pools of three) presents many advantages !

Contact us via NSW Keno:

To our success!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is The Chicken Pox Rash Well Separated?

How to receive a check from 3000 € in the context of the opportunity ENCVIP, user manual ...

Click on picture to zoom!
- 200 €! (Almost immediate!)
- 390 € to follow!

€ 10 000
Group Policy implementation
if met, we guarantee the outcome

and much more!

Contact Us!

To our success!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Purple Blister On Tonsil

ENCVIP with additional income, manual ...

Above premiums allocated by NSW (Euro-New Concept) at the output of different matrices 4-2-1 ...

€ 200 in cash or new position MT1 ... (And almost immediately given the small size of matrices)

€ 390 of output Table 2

€ 3000 output of Table 3 (Very accessible )


€ 3000 bonus for 250 € invested! € 1000 to € 83.50 invested in our strategy group
The result is guaranteed, it's mathematical!

In purpose, access to Table 4 to 10 000 € (for 250 € invested)
+ 3000 € to € 83.50 invested!

For more information contact us via the blog ENC Keno:
Wintherhalter Bernard, Pascal Joseph Michel SORREL, jmGaudion ...
We work as a team!
On this Blog: Video, Wireless conferences, various contacts ...

To our success!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hair Stylist Price List Ok

ENCVIP: Output Gains Dice ...

Click on picture to zoom!

also have been 3000 € (to start) in your back office!

Click on picture to zoom!

Click on picture to zoom!
Below pools in brief ...
If this scares you, especially do not do anything!
Contact us via NSW Keno:

Bernard Winterhalter, Pascal JOSEPH, jmGaudion

A notre success!

Rappelez-vous + de € 15 000 € 83.50 pour Investis!
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Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Register The Pocket Oxford Dictionary

Géopiraterie: arguments against geoengineering

We were talking in October 2010,

ETCgroup The report 2010 is now available in French:
Géopiraterie: arguments against geoengineering

This report gives to see the new "Plan B" on the climate for what it really is: a political strategy that allows industrialized countries to duck and avoid paying their climate debt . Whether to adjust the thermostat land or change the chemical balance of our oceans, these technological solutions are a threat to people and the planet. The report provides an overview of the background to these interventions, as well as scientific grounds and interests that underlie the rapid development of these new technologies and issues they raise in terms of international governance.

- Download full report (pdf): here
- Read the document in full screen: here

Press " Fullscreen " below to view the document in full screen.
Press "Exit Fullscreen " to return to this page.

- More about the work of ETCgroup on our pages .

Why Does My U Control Brookstone Helicopter Spin

New technologies in Africa: a threat to sovereignty

Pambazuka News No. 172
Published in French
December 17, 2010

Seen on 5246
January 26, 2011.

Special Edition Pambazuka News.
New technologies in Africa: a threat to sovereignty.

This special edition produced in collaboration with the ETC Group proposes to examine through a set of articles the prodigious advances in bio-and nanotechnologies and their adverse consequences for Africa and the South in general. Firoze Manji and Molly Kane underline the magnitude of this "technological tsunami" and the immensity of the challenge it implies for self-determination for Africa and for militants fighting against the onslaught of big companies on biosouveraineté.

Download full document in pdf: here

View document in full Display: here

Shriver Inorganic Chemistry

It depends on what the market thinks of the weather ... Global

THE MARKET weather.
Ch @ nson on picture starring La Parisienne Freed
in issuing Freeze (@ si) of 4 February 2011.

It depends on what the market thinks of the weather,
It depends on what the market will be as he will this time,
And it depends if the weather was what the market thought it would ....

A little song that surely will help some to understand why so many greedy interested in lucrative markets for weather derivatives (Climatic changes more or less large scale, genetically modified to adjust to unusual conditions, speculation on the amount of precipitation, privatization of global freshwater resources, mechanisms scam known as "clean" market carbon offsets , synthetic biology, etc. ...).

• Review also included an article on this blog: (if you're interested ...)
"The Chicago Stock Exchange allows speculate on the rain. "
An article from October 15, 2010, on France24
By Sebastian Seibt

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Homemade Trailer Title Ontario

Launch ENCVIP January 15, 2011, 3000 € in the back office February 2, 2011! Guaranteed results in

Do not get locked into the boundaries of others!
Stand out!
We guarantee the results if you are able to integrate and apply what is developed here
Join us for a marketing network clean and fair!
The MLM can be an alternative to the crisis!

Why do we would not demonstrate, together!

Contact us, we will explain in more detail our winning strategy!

Click here and enter the code EV88JMG to contact me (jmGaudion)
code EV90BW to contact Bernard WINTERHALTER

code EV136PJ to contact Pascal JOSEPH
We work together with our individual characteristics ...

Bernard is a specialist dies ...

Pascal is fluent in English and English ...
And I do what I can ...
To our success!



Mouse On Tit Sent By Text Message

ENCVIP (+ Keno-million Euro Lotto +) if ... Winning Strategy

(Click on image to zoom)
Successfully blow with ENCVIP , manual ...
- Bernard WINTERHALTER code: EV90BW (specialist matrices)
- JOSEPH Pascal code: EV136PJ (speaks English and English)
- jmGaudion Promo and supports all kinds, code: EV88JMG

Links on NSW Keno:
To our success!


Friday, February 4, 2011

How Do You Play Tech Deck Online

pools within ENCVIP!

grouped Playing the lottery ...

Playing together in clubs to 36 people can participate in 1 draw per week.
Three groups of 5 numbers are assigned to you, we all play with no chance.
Therefore, 3 x 10 = 30 grids are played by the club every Saturday.
At the end of each mini table 8 new weeks are granted.
earnings are payable only after full payment of your membership.

ENC VIP compensation plan offers the most innovative and dynamic in direct selling industry. With two ways to earn income, lotto and commissions generated by descent is a powerfully enriching opportunity.
We offer one of the strongest compensation plan in the industry, allowing qagner monthly income and weekly up to a level more interesting!
The compensation plan provides a logical path ENCVIP and rewarding for a better financial future. It rewards your personal efforts and allows you to leverage your time while helping others achieve their success.
The plan is generous and should provide substantial and regular income.
The compensation plan ENC VIP should allow you to see the realization of your most ambitious dreams!
MLM as an alternative to the crisis, we believe!

If you wish, through a group policy, how an investment of € 83.50 will earn you more than 15.000 €, contact Bernard Winterhalter (sponsor code EV90BW) or jmGaudion ( code sponsor EV88JMG)
Video presentation of the concept ENCVIP

Conference presentation every Thursday at 21:00
(your name + invited to enter the room)

access portal ENCVIP
Contact BOES founder Hugh ENC here.
To our success!


(Click images to zoom)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nadine Jansen And Melena Velba

Just a quick post to present our new blog:

Breakfast meeting and myself will discuss our hobbies, our hot hearts and what makes us drool envy.

Made by nous


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pinky Promise Relationship Counter

ENCVIP Playing grouped and Compensation Plan.

30/01/2010 array output in almost 3 (3000 €), and move on slowly but surely to the matrix to 10 000 €!

Contact and useful links on NSW Keno:

To our success ...