Thursday, August 19, 2010

Starter Pokemon Hack For Mac

Weekend in Brisbane

Since the time we waited AC: Dudu The family is back in Australia!

La Dudu family

ago ... long ... the father Dudu (Seb) was in high school with Pouchoun Tonnerre. Then, shortly after our expatriation to the United States (circa 2001), he moved with his sweetheart (Isa) to his thesis at the University of Queensland.

Three years later and minus, they are again in Europe ... and we in Australia. Over time, another minus is coming, want to come back became more and more urgent, until early December this email: we get back to Australia!
They arrived in Brisbane late April, Seb has resumed his work with the FAC. And for the first time on the same continent in 9 years, we found ourselves at home for a weekend.

Brochette de culs

Priere au Dieu de la goutte folle Southbanks, Brisbane

Tamborine forest


The cubs are very well understood, the major met as the proper old times around a Ricard and a sausage traveler, and we spent a great weekend almost summer. It has also had the pleasure of meeting Dung, Stephanie and Ai-vy . Thank you all for your welcome, and soon in Sydney!

Sydney CBD