Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kim Kardashians Furniture

Home sweet home

The cartons are folded, executives hangers, coats and hung the rack ... s it, we are installed. The proof in pictures:

La maison


Salle a manger

Coin bureau (en cours de retapage)


coin cuisine et coin des chats

Descente au jardin

Jardin et terasse

Arriere de la maison

Escaliers et pallier

Bureau, piece de craft

Salle de bain principale

Chambre de Martin

Chambre de Martin

Chambre des huhus


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Woolite Original In An He Washing Machine

Hunting penates

The least that the we can say is that we do ennuyames developed over the last two months ... since that painful day in April where we learned that the house we rented was for sale until debalage cartons and latest developments of the weekend passes.

Everything started when an officer immobiler unspeakable-call it "Mrs. Yuck" - and for the less abominable, landed discourteous to announce that we have loved our house would be sold by auction two months later and we had the same time to get the hell out.

To answer this very sly and unforeseen attack, we established a tactical plan has three levels is first to buy our house at the time, made particularly ticklish business by Mrs. Yuk and his attitude is more conducive to nausea has the negotiation, secondly to buy another house in our neighborhood (creche required), and thirdly as rescue plan and in order not to return to the street in case of failure in the first two levels, find another location.

eumes soon realized that buying a house in our neighborhood in a tough spot PROVE march ebulittion, people of real estate agents to teeth and excessive buyers hopeless and therefore willing to pay much more than the value, otherwise already ridiculous, the market.

After two months of unsuccessful attempts and a schedule revolving solely around the visit home, auctions, financial calculations and other strategic plans, we took consciousness, not only buying our house in the period at least stay there for at least five additional Annne would be financially harmful but we had more time to buy something else. It

and we made a strategic withdrawal from the third level and took the road of the lease. Fortunately, despite stiff competition, we had better luck on this side and the day after our first visit and after having deposited our family record model to the real estate agent (obviously different from that of Mrs. Yuck) We signed a new one-year lease. There followed two weeks

a happy and cheerful cartonnades transfers of a home to another positive separated by only 750 meters of asphalt. Two stocky movers removals completed the three weeks he y '.

We are now in our new pied-a-terre, a nice house floor Victorian therefore quite different from the last. The boxes are unpacked, and after a few rounds of drill wisely orchestras we are really beginning to feel at home again.

Before I show you some pictures in our next issue, we welcome all the same assistance and Peloun Breakfast meeting which took in the hunt, and as a holiday, helped us in our research and our removals.